Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Jeremy regained awareness slowly drifting in and out of coniousness. When he truly regained awareness the first thing he noticed was the smell of wood and incense. The second thing, the feeling of laying on something scratchy but hard. Where the hell am I?
Jeremy attempted to open his eyes to find out exactly that but hissed in pain, quickly squeezing his eyes shut from the blinding light of the sun.

"Jeremy? Sweetheart, are you awake?"

The question sounded muffled to Jeremy's ears, it was as if, whoever asked was speaking from underwater. Jeremy himself felt like he was underwater. His head felt like it would explode at any moment, and his body felt like a thousand little needles were peircing every inch of his body.

"Why do I feel like I've been ran over by a truck?"

Jeremy mumbled as he threw an arm over his eyes to leviate some of the pain.
"What in the bloody hell is a truck?"

Jeremy huffed in amusement at the question before he lifted his arm an inch to peek up at everyone else in the room. Four blurry figures came into focus after a few seconds of rapid blinking.

The first person he noticed was in fact Elijah who sat at his bedside, back ram rod straight, hands folded neatly in his lap as he stared down at him with such an intense look, it made Jeremy blush. Though he didn't know why.

Looking away to avoid the look, Jeremy's attention quickly flew to the hand holding his when he felt a tug. Following the arm up to the face he found the light blue eyes of Kol, glaring back at him.

Jeremy shrank back as far as he could into the cot he was lying on, which wasn't far with Kol still gently but firmly holding onto his hand.

Movement from behind them caught his eye. Klaus was visibly shaking with what Jeremy assumed was rage, as he paced the small room as best as he could, with what little room he had. Klaus noticed Jeremy's gaze and halted to a stop right in front of him.

Jeremy tried not to figit at the cold look Klaus was directing at him.

"Jeremy, Love. I have a few questions for you and I expect you to answer truthfully. If you fail to provide me with these answers, well I'm sure I can find a nice victim to suffer in your stead."

Jeremy felt ice cold fear run down his spine at Klaus's words. The look in Klaus's eyes and the slightly blood thirsty grin told Jeremy to take the threat as a promise if he didn't coorperate with the seething vampire. Swallowing hard, Jeremy shakily nodded in understanding. Jeremy tried to pull his hand away from Kol to sit up, but Kol wouldn't have it.

"K-kol, I'm only trying to sit up, so let g-"

Jeremy didn't get to finish his sentence because before he knew it, he was in Kol's lap trapped in between his arms. Kol's face and fangs pressed against his neck. Jeremy immediately felt his face flare up red in embarrassment at the position he was in.

"What the hell do you think your doing?! Let go of me!"

Jeremy yelled as he thrashed around trying to get out of Kol's grip but stopped as soon as he felt a hint of fang on his neck and the rumble of a growl vibrating through Kol's chest onto his back.

"Darling, I'm about this close to snapping. If I snap, either someone is going to be fed on or they are going to die, painfully. With the fact that I haven't eaten in a couple of days I'm leaning towards the former, understand?"

Jeremy quickly nodded.

"Let him go, kol."

Klaus spat angerily, only just refraining from ripping his human from his unsufferable brother. Jeremy was his, he found him, he was the the one the boy was bound too. That made Jeremy his, his, HIS! Yet Kol, the little fool, thought he could take Jeremy from him. Just the sight of Jeremy sitting in his brothers lap made him want to dagger Kol and lock him away for a century or two.

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