Untitled Part 16

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Elena sat numbly, in her living room, staring down into the warm mug of tea in her hands. Her mind was in complete chaos. Her baby brother was taken by the Mikaelsons. After trying so hard to protect him, it was all for nothing. She felt like she couldnt handle it anymore.

"Elena I am so sorry."

Bonnie pleaded as she moved to sit beside her, biting her lip nervously.

Elena didn't even hear Bonnies apologies, her mind going to a million places, trying to think of anything she could do.

At the sound of the door opening all heads turned just in time to see Caroline walking in.

"How's Matt?"

Elena asks in a small voice, afraid to hear the answer. Caroline wanted to keep being angry at Elena but one look at her guilt ridden expression she sighed, releasing her anger with it.

"He's fine, a bit shaken up, but he's home and safe. I was going to stay but he insisted you needed me more."

Caroline answered truthfully almost regretting it as Elena's expression grew even more sad. But Caroline couldn't forget how selfish Elena had been, she had almost sacrifced Matt like he wasn't at all important to her.

"Does he hate me?"

Elena asked.

Caroline shook her head, "Of course he doesn't. It's Matt."

Elena stared down at her lap trying not think to hard about what she did to matt. Luckily Bonnie called them into the kitchen a moment later, distracting her from her thoughts.

"I've been going over the spell, and from what I can tell, it's meant to transport the intended to the safest place for the specific item or person. If Klaus really is his soul mate it would explain why he ended up in the past with him. Vampires protect and cherish there mates more than anything in the world. More than blood."

Bonnie explained to the group as she leaned over the counter piled with open books and paper.

Elena sighed as she tried to rub the stress and worry out of her eyes.

"Okay, so how do we get him back?"

Elena asked Bonnie.

She grabbed a big book, the one Rebekah gave her and opened it.

"This says that the only way Jeremy can permantly come back from the past is if he completes his task. Or in other words, the reason he was sent into the past to begin with."

Damon scoffed into the glass of burbon he had just downed.

"Stop with the witchy mumbo jumbo talk and tell us how we can force the boy's soul back into his body."

Bonnie scowled at the vampire before answering,

"It's the only way he can come back, we can't force his soul anywhere, if we do, it could potentially kill him."

"Okay I say it's time we find a new witch."

Damon declared as he poured himself another drink. Stefan gave his brother a look clearly telling him to cut it out. Damon ignored him expertly. Stefan sighs in exasperation at his brothers antics.

Bonnie sighed, "Even though I hate to admit it, he's right. We need someone who's a little more experienced then me with this type of magic. I'll ask my grams and see if she knows of anyone who can help."

Bonnie quickly said goodbye with the promise she would be back as soon as possible.

"I'm going to see if I can find out where Jeremy's body is since I would be less likely to get my neck snapped."

Stefan stated as he pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on, making his way to Elena. Elena stood up from the couch meeting him half way, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you and be careful, I can't loose you too."

Damon rolled his eyes at the humanity of it all. The last thing Stefan heard as the door closed behind him was Elena telling Damon he was to insenative.



I was close. I could smell his scent, unfortunately tainted by those disgusting abominations. How dare they steal him right from under his nose. As soon as Jeremy left the cabin, he felt something hard hit him on the back of his head, knocking him out.

When he came too, his first thought had been Jeremy. Running out the front door he was surprised to see what was left of a battle. Blood painted the forest floor, human blood. But thankfuly he could still smell Jeremy's scent, though it was faint.

The trail was three days old. But he didn't care.

Alexander smiled a toothy smile, fangs bared.

"Don't worry, My love. I'm coming for you, and when I get you, I'll never let you go."


Elijah couldn't keep the worry off his face. even if he tried. It had been three days since they had left the cabin and Jeremy refused to speak to any of them. After Klaus declared his love and mateship to the human, he had tried desperately to get away. Though he need not try because, Kol flung himself at them, ripping Jeremy from his arms into Elijah's.

Klaus did not take kindly to that and lunged at Kol ready to kill. Luckily Cecilia heard the destruction of her home. One moment Klaus was trying to dig into Kol's chest, to rip out his heart, the next both were on the ground withering in agony as she sent hot white pain into there skull's. She let them go from her influence only at the behest of Jeremy's screams for her to stop.

Elijah could feel the concern for his brothers radiating off of boy and allowed him to go to them. But before he could check on them Kol grabbed him in an instance and crashed his lips on to his, passionately kissing the unresponsive human. Elijah had been the one to break them up this time. Jeremy sputtered, wiping at his mouth with his sleeve, an angry blush coloring his cheeks and traveling down his neck. Elijah glared down at his brothers, angry that they decided to confess there feelings this way. But secretly he was a bit jealous as well. He sighed as he watched Jeremy storm out of the destroyed cabin, leaving behind the smell of embarrassment, anger, confusion and arousal strong in his wake.

The next morning saw them on the road again, the tension visible between them. Kol was agitated, still angry with Klaus for daring to declare Jeremy his mate. Klaus himself was moody and with the threat if Mikeal made him dangerous to be around.

Jeremy made sure to stay close to Elijah, the only original who he trusted at the moment. Or atleast the only one he could look at without blushing.

Klaus glanced at Jeremy from the corner of his eye and scowled. The boy wouldn't look at him, and he didn't like it.

"We should be reaching the next village soon. We need to feed, and Jeremy needs the rest."

Klaus stated moodily.

Jeremy sighed in relief, glad that Klaus had been thoughtful enough to acknowledge he was only human and couldn't be exposed to the elements for long periods of time without getting sick, not to mention he was hungry. At the thought of food his stomach decided to make it's self known.

Kol chuckled amusedly.

"It would seem we aren't the only ones needing to feed brother."

Elijah looked over at Jeremy and smiled at the embarrassed expression on his face, thinking it was cute. His smile widened when he saw Jeremy responding to Kol's teasing. Looking over he saw the beginning of a smile on Klaus's face at the sound of Jeremy's voice no doubt. It looked like things were smoothing itself out.

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