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        Chaeyoung smiled stupidly as she remembered the night before. Mina's moans. Mina's nails digging into her back. Chaeyoung looked up from her book and blushed madly as Mina smiled at her in admiration. The door suddenly opened revealing a smirking Jinyoung.

"Shall we paint my lady?" He asked and hovered behind her. Chaeyoung frowned and continued to read her book. It had only been but three minutes before she could hear Mina's low whines and pleading for the Count to stop touching her.

'She doesn't like that.' Chaeyoung thought and growled. She slammed down her book and stood up. Jinyoung and Mina looked at her in shock. They anticipated the young girls next move. Chaeyoung took a deep breath and came to Mina's aid.

"Say Miss. Nakamura, how about you go attend to some chores or something?" Jinyoung asked as he handed Chaeyoung ten thousand yen. Chaeyoung took the money and began to walk towards the door but stopped in her tracks. She could only just imagine the Counts dirty hands on Mina and growled. She turned back around on her heels and slammed the ten thousand yen on the Counts seat.

"My only job is to serve the Lady." Chaeyoung said and went back to her seat, quickly opening the book and continued to read it. Jinyoung scoffed and rubbed his chin. Mina smiled at the young girl and lowered her face to hide her smile. Jinyoung growled lowly to himself and continued to walk Mina through the painting, avoiding to flirt.   


       "Like ooh ahh, ooh ahh." Nayeon sang to herself. "Nice tune." Chaeyoung said as she walked past the older girl and sat down at the table. "Right? Could be a hit song." Both girls laughed. Chaeyoung smiled and fiddled with her skirt. "Something on your mind?" Nayeon asked. Chaeyoung sighed. "I won't be here for long. Once I get the money I need, I'll be going back to Korea." She said and then frowned. Nayeon lifted the girls chin and smiled.

"Cheer up baby." She said and winked. "What did you and the Lady do today?" Nayeon asked and went back to washing the dishes. "Painted. Well she and the Count. I worked on reading some Japanese today. I think later, I'll go to the store." Chaeyoung said. "Oh is the Lady going to accompany you? She's been keeping an eye on you lately, like you're her favorite servant here. In fact, there was an incident earlier when you arrived." Nayeon said and chuckled.

"Incident?" Chaeyoung asked in curiosity. "We took your shoes that day. We were just being playful is all. But the Lady scolded us." Nayeon felt her cheek as she remembered Mina's harsh slap against her cheek. "Oh, I figured it was you guys. It doesn't matter anyways. She gave me new shoes and I have reconciled with you all." Chaeyoung said and smiled. Nayeon smiled and nodded. The sound of someone clearing their throat had startled both girls.

"Oh, Count Yamada." Nayeon said and bowed her head. Jinyoung smirked and stepped towards Nayeon. He played with her skirt and winked. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Oh yes. I wonder if I may have Miss. Nakamura for a few minutes." He asked Nayeon and held out his hand for the young girl. Chaeyoung huffed and stood up, disregarding his hand. "She'll be back." He told Nayeon. 


          "Are you crazy? I'm this close to getting that inheritance!" Jinyoung shouted. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Here! Can't you feel it! I'm going crazy over this! This close and you're interfering! I told you she's ripe!" Jinyoung scolded Chaeyoung as the girl uncomfortably tried to get out of the man's grasp as he held her hand on his crotch.

"She's ripe dammit." Jinyoung said. Chaeyoung removed her hand and slapped the man across the face. "Leave her alone! If you scare her she'll close up like a clam! And if you ever make me touch that sad excuse of a penis of yours I will cut your hands off." Chaeyoung growled and marched off. Jinyoung chuckled and lit his cigarette. He turned his head to face the figure hiding behind the tree.


       Chaeyoung huffed and felt her forehead. "How'd it go?" Nayeon asked. Chaeyoung looked at the older girl and gritted her teeth. "Revolting." She growled. Nayeon backed off and let Chaeyoung catch her breath. The sound of a bell made both girls look up.

"Seems the Lady needs you." Nayeon said and winked. Chaeyoung blushed madly and hurried to the Lady's aid. As she entered the room Mina gave her a welcoming smile. Chaeyoung smiled shyly. "Come in and shut the door." Mina said gently. Chaeyoung did as told. Mina took out the lotion behind her back and showed the young girl.

"Leaves the skin feeling soft and the individual young." Mina said and smiled. Chaeyoung chuckled and took a hold of the item. "And I assume my Lady would want to feel soft and young?" Chaeyoung asked. Mina nodded and laid down on the sofa. Chaeyoung gently applied the lotion to her masters tender feet and sighed.

"Something on your mind?" Mina asked as she looked down at the young girl. Chaeyoung bit her lip. "Well?" Mina asked. Chaeyoung stopped her movements and looked up at the older woman. "The Count seems to be head over heels for you." Chaeyoung said. Mina bit her lip. The sudden thought of the possibility that the young girl could be jealous excited Mina.

"I don't love him." Mina said proudly. Chaeyoung looked up at the older woman. "But you do." Chaeyoung said. Mina furrowed her eyebrows. "How could you say that? I can't be in love with him when I'm madly in love with someone else." Mina said. Chaeyoung bit her lip. Mina waited for the young girls response. She waited for Chaeyoung to say that she was in love with her. She waited but Chaeyoung said no such thing. Tears began to form in her eyes. Chaeyoung sighed.

"But you will. You'll marry him and fall in love with him." Mina stared at the girl, her heart breaking from such words. Tears had escaped her eyes. "My Lady you will-."


Mina's hand had whipped across Chaeyoung's red cheek. Chaeyoung clutched her cheek, whimpering as she looked up at the now angry Japanese woman. Mina could feel her legs grow weak from all this. She grabbed Chaeyoung by the shoulders and dragged her out of her room. "My Lady no! No!" Chaeyoung cried out. Mina pushed the young girl away and slammed her door shut. She fell to her knees in tears.

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