Chapter 1 moving out

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"(Means authors notes/quotes)"
(Y/N) was packing up her stuff to move to mystreet.

"(Means authors notes/quotes)"(Y/N) was packing up her stuff to move to mystreet

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3rd POV
(Y/N):Finally finishing packing.OH MY IRENE THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!
(Y/N):......what's so funny Travis??....Mmmm..Travis:oh nothing (Y/N) it's just you Exaggerate way too much oh my Irene hahaha. (Y/N):grrr WHATEVER *pouts* hmph. Travis:hehe...anyways is that it?? (Y/N): yeah thanks again.Travis:no problem, hey where are you moving to? (Y/N):A place called mystreet.Why you ask??
Travis:(*0*) really that where I live (Y/N):that's so cool,can you show me around when I get there?? Travis:sure (Y/N):yay

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