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Aelia's POV
Ever since Jihoon came over when I was sick and on my period, I've continuously apologized for my behavior. I've honestly never been so embarrassed in my entire life. Whenever I can, I act cute or buy him something he's been craving. He keeps telling me that I don't have to and that he understands that I have mood swings at those times of the month. I explain to him that it's only the first day that I'm like that and that's why I try to avoid everybody that day. He just kisses me and tells me everything's fine and not to worry. It calms me down a bit but I still feel bad that I was yelling and cursing at him for no reason.
And what makes matters worse is that EXO is having a concert coming up in Seoul and I can't go. I've been trying for months to see when the tickets would go on sale and nobody ever said anything. I went on every website I know to look for info but still nothing. And right now, they tweet out that the concert is sold out and I probably cry for the next ten minutes straight. Jihoon walks in at that time and his face goes from happy to concerned in .1 seconds.
"Hey! I got you food- Whoa! What happened?! Are you on your period again? What do you need? Chocolate? Juice? Tampons?! Aelia speak." He hugs me tight.
"Jihoon~ EXO has a concert coming up and I can't go. I don't have money! It's expensive and I'm a broke college student with no job! AND it's sold out!" I whine.
That's all he says. I glare at him.
"Why aren't you being more supportive? I can't see Kai now!"
"Oh, sorry." He clears his throat sitting up a bit.
I raise an eyebrow. My eyes widen when his voice gets high pitched.
"Oh my gosh! You can't see your bias! Now he'll never know what you look like and you can't hear his beautiful voice or see his amazing dancing!"
He looks over at me, my jaw dropped. He smiles and leans closer to me.
"Is that better?"
"You dork!" I hit his shoulder before pecking his lips, "Yes. Thank you."
"Anything to make you happy."
I smile at him, grabbing his hands.
"Wanna see me do something crazy?"


The next few days, I learn their most popular songs on my violin and the piano. Jihoon helps me with the piano though, which I'm thankful for. I do anything to distract myself from thinking about it while also practicing playing. I play the songs for hours. Did I even eat or sleep? I honestly don't remember. I know I look like crap though by how the boys stay away during lunch or how Mingyu tries to fix my hair.
Minghao always laughs at me which makes me glare at him.
"If you don't want to die young, you better shut your mouth."
"You love me. You can't deny it, Aelz."
I scoff and he chuckles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. This gets Jihoon angry and I see the jealousy. What a cutie.
"Hey, Aelia?" Seokmin nervously sits next to me.
"Yes, Seokmin?" I look over at him.
"Can you still help me with this?" He shows me his notebook and textbook.
"Oh my goodness! I completely forgot! I'm so sorry!" I read over the textbook, "You don't understand this?"
"No! That's why I need your help! Please!"
"Alright. Let's see. Explain to me what you don't get."
"Wait! I need help too!" Seungcheol rushes over with his notebook.
"Might as well get the help if it's being offered." Wonwoo walks over too.
Eventually all of the boys pull out their notebooks and pencils to pay attention. It's the first time I've ever seen them so serious about their grades. It makes me smile.
The rest of the week at lunch, I help them study for their upcoming tests. I correct them every time they make a silly mistake and they become so grateful when they see how they should've done something. Some of them don't know what the heck they're doing because I look at their paper and there's random scribbles and numbers on the paper... the subject doesn't even include numbers.
Friday comes and I notice Seokmin is missing. I frown and hit Seungkwan's arm. He looks over at me, blinking and I tilt my head.
"Where's Seokminnie?"
We look over to the source of the voice to see a extremely cheerful Seokmin running towards me with a paper in his hands.
"There he is." He laughs.
"Is that your test?!" My eyes widen as I look back and forth between Seokmin and the sheets.
"Yup! Guess what score I got!" His smile is brighter than the sun, honestly.
"An A?" I guess.
"Not only an A..." he flips it around, "A 100%!" He squeals.
"Oh my gosh! Congratulations!" I smile big and clap for him.
"Thanks, Aelia! I couldn't have done it without you! You're the best!" He throws his arms around me in a big hug and holds me tight.
"Aww, you're so sweet!" I pinch his cheek, "When's your tests?" I look over at the other boys.
"Next period." Vernon says.
"Mine was first period. I got a B+." Jun smiles, "That's better than usual. Thank you."
"I ended up doing pretty well too. I got an A- which is really good considering it's a higher level." Mingyu smiles.
"Me too!" Seungcheol high fives him.
"My test is tomorrow. I'm gonna study tonight again to make sure I ace it as well!" Soonyoung smiles.
"I don't even take that class." Minghao shrugs.
"But you were studying with us." Jihoon points out.
"Yeah cause I felt left out!"
"Haha loser!" Mingyu points at him, laughing.
They start fighting and I roll my eyes. Those are my best friends.
"Ahh! I'm so happy! I love you, Aelia~" Seokmin hugs me again.
"Okay, that's enough hugging!" Jihoon glares at him.
"Fine. I'm so thankful for her though! Now my mom won't take away my karaoke set!"
"You have your own karaoke set at home?" Jeonghan raises an eyebrow.
"If you think that's crazy, you should see Jihoon's room." Seungcheol points to him.
"Yeah! It's legit a recording studio with a bed inside, not gonna lie." I laugh.
"Well, that's all I do! I compose songs! It's my major!" Jihoon defends himself.
"I know. Don't worry. You're a great composer." I smile at him.
"You're my inspiration."
I stare at him in shock. That's the same thing I told him the first day he came to lunch with me and the boys. My heart flutters and my cheeks redden. He leans closer, a smirk plastered on his face.
"And I know I'm yours." He whispers.
"Don't make me kiss you in front of the boys." I mutter.
"Then I get as many kisses as I want when I come over after school."
"Did you just invite yourself over to her house without her okay?" Joshua asks.
"Of course. She does the same to me too." He shrugs.
"Eww. Why're you guys so corny? It hurts my ears." Chan groans.
"Say that again." I look at him, a fake happy tone in my voice.
"Actually, you guys are the cutest couple in the world! You could be in those k-dramas!" Chan corrects himself, laughing nervously.
"I feel like I'm in one with you guys as my friends." I pinch the bridge of my nose.
"Hey!" Mingyu stands up.
"Especially you." I smirk.
"Why am I always getting bullied by you?!"
"It's Aelia. What'd you expect?" Soonyoung chuckles.
"Soonyoung is the only person who understands me." I shake my head.

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