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Y/F/N=Your Friend's Name

You frantically searched through your closet, looking through every dress you had. Tonight, you and a group of friends were going out for some drinks at a new club that had opened up. You knew that there was going to be a lot of cute guys, so you just had to look your best.
You stuck with a navy blue dress that hugged your body perfectly in all the right places. After finishing you hair and makeup, you waited for one of your friends to pick you up.
"Oooh someone looks sexy!" Y/F/N joked,as you hopped into the car,greeting the rest of your friends. While in thr car, you noticed one of your friends, Dylan,looking out the window,looking almost sad,maybe mad.

"Hey Dyl, what's wrong?" You asked,looking over at him.

He quickly sits up to look at you,his eyes wide open as if caught by suprise "hm?oh nothing, just a bit uhh...tired i guess" he hesitated with his words, making him hard to believe. You decided to not bother him,so you softly smiled at him and nodded with a simple,"oh."


Time passed by as you arrived at the club,ordered drinks and became a bit tipsy. You knew how to control your alcohol consumption however,so you were still able to understand what you were doing and what was going on around you.

Just as you had guessed, there were lots of cute guys, and a lot of them knew how to dance the night away, so of course, you joined the fun, encircling yourself with them, as some of your other friends drank some more, or danced with a group of many different people. Dylan however,simply sat down, looking more angered over sad now. You noticed he would occasionally glance and stare at you, only to turn away when you looked at him.

After a good few minutes of dancing with the group of cute guys, you looked over in Dylan's direction, only to see he wasn't sitting where he had been for the past hour. You looked everywhere until his bright red sweater caught your eye. He was heading for the upstairs balcony.

Feeling obligated to follow him, you left the group of guys to talk to Dylan.

You were expecting to see random couples making out when you made it up to the balcony,but to your suprise, the only two people there, were you, and Dylan, who was at the edge of the balcony, looking out at the quiet city,despite the muffled music of the club. "Hey" you softly said,as you walked towards him.

He turned his head tolook at you, then turned back to the city, putting his head down with a sigh "Hey.."

"Whats wrong?" You asked,standing beside him, your hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing..."He shook his head,"It's like i said earlier...this night uh... isn't going well for me"

You caught onto his hesitation and looked at him, a confused look on your face," I thought you said you were just tired?"

His eyes closed, knowing he had been caught. "D-Did I?"hr scratched the back if his hair nervously," I- I don't remember what I said..heh.."

You looked at him with a comforting, kind smile,as you shook your head. "Alright...what's really wrong?" you spoke with a voice that you know convinces him that he can trust you.

He sighed, looking down, almost embarrased, " I didn't wanna come because I knew...idhavetowatchyoudancewithotherguys" He spoke his last words to quickly,and too quiet to hear.


He turned to look at you,looking straight into your eyes, " I want to be the one dancing with you! Not those shirtless guys that dance with you and just about every other girl in this club...I didn't want to come because I knew I'd have to watch you dance with other kills me just watching you with another man.."

He looked down, as if he was afraid of rejection, or something possibly worse. The sound of his voice told you he was nervous to just say it.

You smiled,and couldn't help but blush. "D-Did you get jealous of them?" you lifted his face gently,looking into his eyes with the kindest look ever, as he nodded.

"I want to be the one dancing with you..."He said,as he hesitated with his hands a bit, then put his hands on your waist.

You looked down at his hands,then back up at him with a smile, "Then be my dance partner" You said, as you slowly moved your body side to side, Dylan following, as he leaned in for a soft kiss.


whoooo 800 words!! I haven't written in so long I just had to come back!! Hope you enjoyed it!! Love You All!!❤❤❤

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