Luke- Emotional Singer

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I've decided to post the last chapter of my sickfics book here because it is not really a sickfic and more suited to this book.


The lads of 5 Seconds of Summer were preparing to do their returning debut performance in Sydney. They hadn't done a proper concert in a while and were excited to perform for their fans once again. The biggest part of tonight was that they would be performing that new song, Want You Back, for the first time. It was mostly sung by Luke, Calum and Michael only doing some background vocals during the chorus. It was something they hadn't done before and they were really hyped to perform it for their fans.

They'd been rehearsing in the theatre which they would be having the concert in for the past week, making sure that everything was perfect. The whole thing was running smoothly and they were getting even more excited as the clock ticked towards the start time of their concert. It was currently 5pm and their concert started at 8. The four of them had just arrived at the theatre after getting themselves some dinner from a local Indian place. They all collapsed onto the couches in their dressing room, digging into their food.

Michael turned on the TV, finding an episode of the Chase on Channel 7. The four lads ate their curries whilst attempting to answer some of the challenging questions that the show pressed on them. At the end of the show, the team playing went home with $32 000 whilst the lads lost the $4 000 that Calum had earned them. They continued watching the shows that came on the channel until all four of them had finished their dinner and were fed up with the reality TV shows.

They decided to hook up the PS4 and play a couple of games on it. Ashton got the player one controller after 73 rounds of paper scissors rock and so he chose that the four of them were going to play GTA V. By the time they had all failed to steal jets from the military base multiple times, it was 7 pm and their hair and make up artist came in to do their hair for the concert. Even though the lads had insisted that their hair didn't need adjusting, they all ended up in the chair as the hair stylist did their hair and touched up their faces with make up.

As the clock struck 7:45pm the four lads left their dressing room and headed to the side of the stage, picking up their instruments and watching the last of their fans pile into the theatre. Luke stood without anything in his hand as he was to be sitting at the piano right as they got out on stage. The grand piano that they had for their newest song was placed at the end of a runway , seperate from the main stage. Luke would be sitting at it to play at the start and end, like on the track.

Their staff gave them the signal that the show was about to start and all the lads nodded in return. The lights dimmed in the theatre and all of the fans started screaming. The lads gave Luke a nudge and he smiled as he walked out onto the dark stage, pausing in front of the runway as a spotlight shone on him. He walked down the runway as the fans screamed his name, not looking anywhere but at the piano in front of him. He got to the end of the runway and paused, brushing the seat before sitting down.

He took a deep breath as he set his hands on the keys that started the song, not pressing down on them yet. Behind him, the other three boys took their places as Luke started playing the notes and chords of the song. He started singing, the memories of the girl that the song was about going through his brain. He really did love her still and he knew she'd never come back to him, no matter how much he wanted her to.

A single tear ran down his face as he started the chorus, the other lads playing and singing with him. He stood up from the piano, walking around to the other side to sing in full view of the fans. As the song continued, his voice got more and more emotional. Even though the song was a pretty poppy song, it still made him emotional because of the relationship it was about. A couple more tears ran down his face during the second chorus and he took a two second break from singing to wipe them off of his cheeks.

The rest of the song passed, Luke sitting back down at the piano at the end. All four of the lads were smiling, glad to be back to playing concerts again. They talked a bit before starting the next song and Luke had a second to breath and calm down before they continued the concert. The rest of the concert was a blast and all four of them had a blast. They even went out for beers after to celebrate.


Yep, there it is again.

Love Yourself,
Michael :D

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