Finally at college!

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The sun began setting causing some of the zombies to empty out and leave. Bryce had done his best to teach the rest to shoot.

They understood the logic behind it but they had yet to actually shoot something.

No one wanted to say it but they were all nervous. Especially Brock and Evan. Evan was worried that Brock might turn again and kill them all.

Brock had the same worry. He didn't want to harm any of his friends.  But his determination to save (Y/N) was as big as the rest.

"One question. How do you plan to get out?"

Bryce looked at the girl. Opening his dry lips to speak.

"It's quite simple. From the window over there we parkour onto the roof."

"I'm sure I've said this already but you're crazy!"

Bryce ignored the negative comment and strolled to the broken window. Placing his gun on the floor he climbs onto the frame.

Sticking his head out first his arms follow close by. Keeping his balance to not fall and die.

Jumping up he took hold of roof. Pulling his weight up he dangled his arm down.

Luke picked up the gun placing into Bryce's waiting hand. Pulling the gun up the rest of the stuff was also took up.

Once it was all done Luke followed in pursuit. One by one the guys got out leaving Tyler last.

His bad injuries were still pulling him down. Noticing this Brock stuck his hands out.

Helping Tyler pull himself up. "Having a zombie on our team sure is reassuring."

"Don't get your hopes up yet Craig. We still need to get there."

"Aaaaand how do we do that Mr.Leader?"

Waiting for Bryce to answer took a while. But when it came it was a weird response.

"I need each and every bell you guys currently have on you."

"Gay much?"

"Why do you need them Bryce?"

"Because he wants to rape us all duh. Everyone run!"

The guys broke into laughter at Craig once again. Without anymore complaint their belts came off.

Each gave theirs to Bryce. His own added to the pile. Bryce tied the ends of the belt up creating a rope.

Nearing a tree branch he hooked the belts. Skidding down it Bryce signals for the others to do the same.

Once again Tyler was last. Taking hold of the belt rope he began descending. Only to have the branch snapped.

Closing his eyes awaiting the fall he felt none. Only two arms holding him up. Opening his eyes he was face to face with Brock.

A small blush grazing Tyler's cheeks.

"How... how did you do that?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe it was zombie strength."

Brock allowed Tyler back onto his feet. The crew began silently traversing. Keeping them self away from any zombie danger.

After a long walk they finally arrived at the collage. Too tired to mow any more they fell to the ground.

Catching their breath. Brock's eyes scanned the perimeter only to spot a massive herd inside of the college grounds.

"Umm Bryce how do we go by that herd?"

"We walk around the whole perimeter of the college in groups. Once we find the safest route to jump over we jump."

"But what about Tyler. In his condition I don't see him climbing over anything."

"I can carry him over. He barely weighs anything for me. That's why I could catch him so easily."

"Brock are you sure about this? I'm not exactly the most light person."

"I'm certain. I don't want to leave you out her on your own either."

"Thanks Brock. I really mean it."

The crew broke into groups of 3. The first group was Bryce, Evan and Craig and the other was Tyler, Brock and Luke.

The two groups separated one going left the other going right. Bryce looked at every zombie praying not to see his sisters face on any of the vile creatures.

His step slowly accelerate until he broke out into a run. "BRYYCE HOLD UP!"

He looked behind his shoulder. Noticing Evan and Craig could barely keep up.

Slowing down to a walk once again. They continued walking until they bumped into the other group.

"Anything on your side Bryce?"

"No absolutely nothing. Zombies were scattered everywhere. Did you see (Y/N) in that crowd?"

"No Bryce. She wasn't there. Although, we found a good spot to jump over. It even has a back entrance into the building."

The members hoped over. Tyler on Brock's back. This time however, Bryce was the last one.

His body shaking in fear and excitement.

"Come on Mr.Leader! We have a little sister to save."

Jumping over Bryce prayed for your safety. Hoping and begging to find you safe and sound.

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