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The sun began rising. Waking up the living forms which have survived through the nightmare.

Waking to the sound of birds chirping (Y/N)'s hand travelled to her aching back.

The cold hard ground had hurt her more than she expected. But the feeling of safety washed over her.

Her first proper sleep in a while had occurred. The cell had and is well protected from any zombies.

With nothing to worry sleep was such a nice feeling. Yet (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking.

The truth is her and Ryan were bitten. They've been bitten ever since the rescue in the bathrooms.

Their eyes were proof of this. Neither wanted to tell Jon and Marcel, as they didn't want to be pushed away by their friends.

Ryan stores next to her. Also waking up. "It's a nice day isn't it?"

No reply came back. (Y/N) was deep in thought. Ryan's arm welcomed itself to her shoulder.

Snapping her out of her deep deep thoughts. "Yeah what?"

Ryan sighed. "(Y/N), Rachel I swear we'll find Bryce and the others. It's just a matter of fact."

Ryan's arm snakes to her back, hugging her. A loud noise echoed and the couple soon released their grip on each other.

At the doorway Evan stood loud and proud. "Wake up you guys. Breakfast is in 10 minutes. After that an examination for any bites will occur.

(Y/N)'s heat fastened. Noticing the shock in her eyes Ryan clutches her hand.

Gripping it in an re assuring manner. 'Once they know they'll kill us both.' (Y/N) had thought.

She looked at Ryan. Fear visible in her eyes. Ryan smiled brightly at her saying it all.

They'd leave before the examination. (Y/N) smiled to herself. Even for the short amount of time they'd felt safety it'd be there last.

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