Hook Ups 5

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"... I realize that it was Jongin then he disappeared. I fear he might be in the bistro again. I don't really know."

"What the hell?! Really?!" Luhan had his eyes wide after the mention of his name.

"Yep. That's why I never wanted to come back to that bistro." I said.

"But don't you wanna be with him again?" Luhan asked with a frown on his face.

"Lu," I deadpanned as I started to speak. "He left me after we make love 5 years ago." I said with a huff.

"He did tell you that he was gonna come back, did he not?" Luhan retorted with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes once I realize that he was right.

But then, he was only right about Jongin saying those words.

"He did say that, but when he left to study in America he didn't even take a little time to contact me. Even in social media. Geez! I even thought that he isn't coming back anymore. I thought that he already have somebody else from outside the country." I defended myself.

"Soo, you know how strict his parents were when it comes to studies. I'm pretty sure he has been a loyal dog for 5 years. And I know that you know Jongin enough to know how much he loves you." Luhan retorted.

"Are you siding him?" I asked, glaring at him.

He sighs.

"I'm not. It's just that I know Kim Jongin. Jongin is rich but lonely and you were the only one who took his virgi---"

"Okay okay shut up! He took mine too so shut the fuck up!" I cut him off before he could even say the 'V' word.

"But seriously, Soo, are you sure that's your reason for not wanting to come back to him?" Luhan questioned.

I gulped.

"Yep." I deadpanned once again.

"Oh come on! We both know that's not true!" Luhan whined. Now, it's my turn to sigh.

"Fine. To be honest, I feel guilty and worthless." I confessed.

"But why?" Luhan asked, furrowing his brows.

"I'm unclean, Lu! The way he looked at me with his eyes filled with sorrow made me guilty. I wasn't being a loyal bitch! I promised him, Lu! I promised him that I'll wait, but look! Here I am! Unclean and worthless. I fucked 3 people when he was away, for fuck's sake! I love him so much, Lu, but I guess I lack trust. This is all my fucking fault! " I exclaimed with my tears threatening to come out.

"Soo, I'm not gonna say it's gonna be okay because this is certainly not gonna be okay. You should fix things, Soo. You must see him again and settle everything. You broke his heart, Kyung, you must fix him." Luhan stated.

"I know, I have to. But I'm too worthless. I don't deserve him. I broke my promise." I doubted myself more.

"Kyungsoo, wake up! If you love him, fucking get him back! It wasn't your fault that you doubted him in the first place! You were loyal, Soo, and it has been 5 years. You two weren't even official! Soo, you have reasons. He does too. That's it." Luhan exclaimed.

He is right.

"Fine. Whatever. Now let me hear your story!" I said, attempting to switch the topic. Thankfully, Luhan didn't mind. The topic we had was too personal and I'm pretty sure he's trying to respect my own personal life.

"Actually, it's not that big of a deal as yours but I met a guy." He said, he paused and looked at me.

I raised my brow and leaned closer signalling that I'm interested.

"Remember the band who played last friday?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well, I caught the drummer staring at me. He winked at me, it was fucking creepy---"

"Was he hot?" I asked.

"What the fuck? I'm straight!" He offensively states.

"I was just asking if he was hot, idiot!" I said, amused by his reaction.

"Whatever, let me finish!" He exclaimed.

"Go ahead." I motioned him to continue, hiding a smirk as I listen to him.

"Anyways, after their gig I ordered myself a White Russian in the bar then he suddenly appeared beside me. He introduced himself as "Sehun" and of course I introduced myself too. We did have a little chit chat before he left. But what made me not come back more was when he kissed my cheek with no warning before he walks away." He finished.

"Hmmm. Didn't you punch him?" I asked, still amused.

"No. I was too phased." He replied.
"Yeah right. You're blushing." I commented.

"No, I'm not!" He denied with a frown.

"Yes you are, Lu. Face it. He caught your eye. Not just your eye but also your he--"

"Shut up, Kyung!" He hissed.

"By the way, the lead singer and I are friends, I could set you up if you want." I jokingly said.

"Don't you even fucking dare, Soo!" Luhan warned. I chuckled and glanced at the TV screen once again.

"I think I wanna go to the bistro." I mumbled.

"Why?" Luhan asked with furrowed brows.

"I think he's there." I replied, pursing my lips.

"I thought you're avoiding him." Luhan muses with that famous smirk of his.

"I changed my mind." I proudly said.

"Wow, that was quick." Luhan commented. "Then go." He added.

I didn't move. I only stare at him, signalling that I'm not going without him.

Though, it seems like he doesn't get the message.

"What, dude? You're creeping me out." Luhan says, avoiding my gaze.

"You know that I now that I'm not going without you!" I exclaimed.

"Well then, seems like no one's going to the bistro." He retorted with mischief.

"Screw you! I can just drag you easily with your feminine-like body!" I exclaimed.

"Try me." He sassed.

"Gladly!" I replied, dragging him easily with him struggling.

"Ugh! Alright alright!!!! LET GO!" He cries as soon as we stepped out of the apartment. I smirked victoriously as we headed to the bistro.

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