Hook Ups 10

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"Hey, Luhan! Good afternoon! Guess what!" Minseok exclaimed.

"What?" I asked as I continue typing fast whilst looking at Minseok.

"There's a mail for you!" He says with a smile.

"Okay?" I replied, expecting it to be from my mom.

Minseok smiled before leaving my cubicle.

I opened the mail once again there I saw an album.

Remember these? was written then photos of me cross-dressing, speaking my college graduation speech, playing football for a charity event in our University, and etc. was shown.

I never saw these pictures.

It seems like I was aware that I was captured, there's even a picture of me where I was smiling at the camera.

I don't understand.

Maybe my college batchmates mailed this to me.

Anonymous was written on the sender's name.

I don't understand.

I flipped the pages then saw a writing once again.

Yes, I was the camera man back in college. You were the only person who filled my camera's storage. You were beautiful, you were the only one caught my eyes. You captured my heart. You didn't know me back then because I was only in the shadows.

I have always wanted to see you again. When I saw you in that bistro, I never thought of how much fate was being good to me.

Until the moment came when I was able to talk to you. I'm really sorry for approaching you like a creep.

I just wanna let you know that I have loved you ever since then.




So this the reason why he mentioned my name when he and Baek were.....Oh my god.

My heart is fluttering, this guy loves me. He truly loves me.

I can't believe myself for saying this but

I will give him the chance. Not because I pity him. I'm giving him the chance because I want to stop myself from doubting and hiding. I want to express myself, this is also a chance for me to be free.

Besides, I really think I'm into him.

Fuck, I'm so done with denying.

There was a note on the last page.

It says: Meet me by the bistro at 5pm if you'll give me a chance. I'll be waiting, Lu. I really hope you will.

I looked at the time and cursed.

It's fucking 4:45 pm and I need 30 minutes to get there.

"Lay!" I called.

"What?" He asked, leaning over to see me from his cubicle.

"Tell your bestfriend to wait." I said.

"What? Wait for what?" Lay asked, confused.

"JUST TELL HIM!" I said before rushing over to Kris.

"Please tell Junmyeon that I will be back." I begged.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just tell him please! It's an emergency." I replied.

I rushed outside the office and exited the building, picking up Baekhyun's bike.

It was locked but I do know how to pick locks. Baekhyun does too, only in bathrooms though.

I paddled as fast as I could towards the bistro. Fortunately, I'm the athletic type of guy.

Hitting every red light, I didn't care. Thankfully, no one seems to notice.

Once I reached the bistro, I checked my watched.

5:03 pm

I'm three minutes late. Hopefully Lay told him to wait.

I panted before looking around. When I realize he wasn't there, I felt the urge to break down but I didn't.

He better be here.

"Luhan?" It's him.

I finally let out the air that I never thought I was holding.

"Sehun." I mused. I looked at him and smiled.

He is beautiful.

The sight of him made me realize that he was about to cry. I ran towards him then hugged.

"You came." He says, his voice sounding so joyful and hopeful.

"I'm here Sehun-ah." I said, pecking him on the chin instead of his forehead since he's slightly taller than me.

"I love you, Luhan!" He shamelessly claims.

This is it. I'm accepting this. I won't deny it anymore.

"I-I love you too, Sehun." I whispered.

After I said that, he lifts me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and my back against the wall. He then smashed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately.

Loving someone will really change you, which is why it's dangerous sometimes.

But being gay is harmless right? It's not a problem at all. Maybe to my parents but not to all.

I really wish for luck.

A/N: Final chapter will follow then an Epilogue. :) I really hope you enjoyed! About the photo...I was really bitter with Xiuhan at that time (my friend and I argued about Xiuhan vs Hunhan, didn't really make sense lol I was just bitter) Though looking at the pic they look cute hahaha.


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