Chapter 1

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(Her outfit because ya girl has style)

Violets POV

"Please daddy don't go!" I whine while hugging my dad tightly he's going on another business trip and he can't take me this time.

Yeah, I'm 18 years old but I'm a baby around my dad.

"I'm sorry baby it's really important! I still have about a week before I leave, so we can do whatever you want my love" my dad says while running his fingers through my hair.

I sigh and pull away, I hate when he leaves me. It's so quiet in this "rich" town; every person here is stuck up. Except my two best friend and my daddy.

"Ok daddy" I say while frowning and add"I'm hungry" with a big smile.

He laughs and pats my head
"Alright, lets go" dad says while we hop inside the car.

I got inside his Lamborghini and buckle up. Yes my dad has a Lambo, it's his dream car, plus my dad works hard! He deserves it honestly.

I turn the radio on and let the music fill my ears while I rolled my window and let my eyes roam around the beautiful neighborhood I live in.

"Oh baby..why don't you just meet me in the middle..." I mumble sing and close my eyes while leaning my head back against the back of the seat.

I heard the radio get turn down making me open my eyes, I look to see my dad answering a call, I lay my head back against the seat and looked out the window again.

"Hey!....ya I'm with violet, we're about to get some food...of course! Ha! Alrighty...see ya soon...bye."

I looked at my dad while sitting up in my seat,

"Who was that?" I say being nosey.

"It was Micheal, we're gonna pick him up, is that ok?" My dad ask.

My breath hitched and I froze at the mention of his name...

My dad never knew what happen... it was a secret. If my dad ever found out... he would kill me and Micheal...

"Violet?" My dad asks again eyes focused on the road

I kinda jump while saying "..uh ya of course!"

My dad chuckles and says alright

He turned left heading towards Micheals house.
His neighbor is nice, his house is two story like ours, but ours is built nicer, not trying to be rude or anything because I don't mind, honestly I like his house a lot actually.

I can't stop thinking about the incident... it was right after me and my boyfriend broke up...

I ran to my room crying
I can't believe this happened
I really loved jake...
And he broke my heart
By cheating on me with that stupid bitch
And of course my dad is gone
When I really need him
I hear a knock on my door
"Go away!" I yell trying to sound strong
"'s me...Micheal...let me in"
I wipe my face and get up and unlock the door
"What do you want Micheal I'm really upset right now and I want to be alone"
I say holding back tears
"I wanted to Comfort you.."
He says while stepping inside my room
He walks me to my bed and I don't whine or anything
He lays me down and talks to me and makes me feel better
"Well I got to go" he whispers looking me straight in the eyes
"Oh...ok.." I say a little disappointed
He smiles softly and kisses my forehead
I looked him in the eyes and started to lean in
Knowing what o was doing he followed
And soon enough
His lips were on mine
And may I add
It was the best kiss of my life.

~end of flashback~

"We're here!" My dad says smiling

"Ya..we're here alright... I mumble and unbuckle my seat belt.

This is gonna be a long day.

This is not edited...thanks for reading! Stay tuned!! Hahahaha
Uhm I'm in a good mood today but I can't update again to day I might but idk hehe okie


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