Under Arrest

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She had inspired many freedom fighters;

In the imprisonment, she didn't realise that the fire was lit, the freedom fire;

He continued to fight on her behalf- Sangolli Rayanna;

Who was helped by another warrior, Gajaveera;

They restarted the guerrilla warfare;

Burned the important British places, elsewhere;

Taxing the landlords, an army from common masses were created;

To install Shivalingappa as official heir, he dreamed;

And to restore the back their looted treasury;

But the Britishers caught him with treachery;

Chennamma devoted her time in reading holy texts, page by page;

She was a tigress captured in the cage;

In the captivity, she fervently prayed for her release;

Incessant humiliation deteriorated her health and mind's peace;

Soon she gave up her hope to fly, the braveheart was martyred;

Sangolli Rayanna was arrested, sentenced to death and subsequently hanged.

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