Xavier's POV

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Hello! Xavier's POV!!! Wahoooooooo!  I don't know how good it is so please tell me if you like it or if you don't. 



Its a funny notion. We all have a tiny bit of hope, all for different things. We all hope something good will happen, that something you want will happen.

I never believed in hope. I never saw the point in it. Everything I hoped for never happened. Not until I met her. Not until I met my Princess.

Never would I have thought I would find such a beautiful, inside and out, inspirational and smart girl like Anna. I had always assumed girls were the same. I always thought they were whiny, selfish and self-centered. Well, all the girls I met were. But she wasn't. She was different, fresh and outstanding.

The first day I saw her, I wanted her. I chased after her. And boy, she made me chase her. The thing is, I loved it. I loved it because I was chasing her.

I spent as much time with her as possible. I tried many different tactics, most failed but some didn't. And the more time I spent trying, the more time I got to know her.

Annabella wasn't fake. She was stubborn and impulsive but she was also shy and smart. She was talented yet she didn't see it. She was modest.

My princess showed me how I should live. She showed me how I shouldn't worry about trying to impress my dad, that I should do what I want because it's my life. She showed me that life is too short to waste. My princess is my light. She is my air.

Annabella is my hope.

The day she told me about her brother, broke my heart. She was so upset, so lost and broken. It pained me beyond belief to see her like that because she didn't deserve that pain. Annabella is a good person, too good for a world like this. I didn't think twice about hugging her.

That day was also the day I finally realized how much I love her. I couldn't live without her, it wouldn't be worth living.

I had never felt more anxious in my life when I told her I love her but the moment she said it back, I felt like the happiest man alive. I didn't care if I looked all mushy and unmanly, for her I would be anything.

And then she met that girl, Louise and I nearly lost her. Her sobs were devastating to hear. We fought, which we did a lot but never on a scale like that. But I had managed to get her to understand that she was the only girl for me. She always would be the only girl for me. No one else could ever compare to her.

The night of the crash, I can recall several things. Firstly, I remember dancing with her at the party. A guy had approached her and well, let's say he will never even look at her again.

Second, the crash. The second the car bashed into ours, I had never been more scared. Not for me but for her. I can faintly recall her painful cries and then nothing.

Third, Chris. I hope he rots in hell. When I awoke, I found myself far away from the upside car. I was confused until I saw my princess. She was battered and bruised but I didn't care, she was still the most stunning thing alive. I later found out that Anna had dragged me out of the car with her injured leg and hurt head.

When the bullet went off and Anna lunged in front of me, time froze. My heart was pounding in my chest and my head was racing in worry. Something deep inside of me ignited and I acted fast. I wrapped my arm around her slender waist and pulled her back away from the bullet. I didn't care about the piece of glass in my chest, all I cared about was my Princess's safety.

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