Chapter 4

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When I finally wake up the sun was peeking through the clouds and into my window, there were still rain drops on the glass and clouds still hung in the sky. Same La Push a different day. I slowly peel open my eyes a bit more, I roll onto my side and check the time it read 7:15 a soft groan escaped my lips. I quietly get out of bed and hop around the cold wood floor as I grab clothes for my day. I rush into the shower with my clothes and hope to all Gods out there that Austin would stay asleep while I get ready for my day. I turn on the shower and steam instantly fills the small bathroom, I turn to the mirror and start pulling off my clothes showing my soft light olive skin tone in the light. I take out the pony tail holder from my hair and stare at my face for a moment. I had slight bags under my eyes from having to work, take care of Austin, and go to school. My nose was small like a button and my lips were a soft pink tone they were plump but not over done like Kylie Jenner. I had been thin my entire life and after having Austin nothing had really changed with my body...maybe a few more stretch marks on my stomach and thighs but all the creams that I used help get rid of the dark color they once were. 

I walk into the steaming water and start washing my body off with a beach scent, my absolute favorite, and then I wash my hair with a coconut shampoo and conditioner set. A friend of mine at school, Cass, makes these wonderful shampoos, conditioners, and body washes that are to die for. She gives them to me for free to test out and give my feedback. I love her for it. I turn the shower off and wrap the towel around my body and another one goes on top of my head. I pull on my black skinny jeans and a mustard yellow shirt with white polka dots on it. 

I take my hair down and start to brush it as gently as I can. Brushing my hair felt like it took years some times but it actuality it only took a few minutes. By the time that I'm finished my hair had finally started the process of drying which could be a while, I put my hair into boxer braids so that way I wouldn't have to worry about it. I slap on some foundation, powder, highlighter, a little bit of blush and light brown eyeshadow with of course a small wing of black eyeliner. I smile at myself. It felt good to take my time getting ready for once. I brush my teeth and floss before I'm finally done getting ready. 

I make my way to Austin's room and see that he's still sleeping peacefully. I smile softly and decide to make breakfast before waking him up. I go down stairs and into the kitchen. I start on making waffles for this gloomy morning with some bacon and eggs. I personally was craving waffles so that's what Austin was getting for the morning. As I make breakfast I quietly think about my dreams last night but every time I try to pull it up I just keep forgetting the dream altogether. Well, that's a bummer.

I'm half way through making breakfast when I hear a knock on the door, I flip the bacon really fast and close the waffle iron and run to the door. I fling it open to see Embry standing there. 

"Hey, um come on in. I'm sorry the place is a mess, but a three year old running around and what not it's hard to keep it looking nice. You hungry? I'm making breakfast if ya want." I ramble quickly as I shut the door behind him and make my way to the kitchen again. 

"Uh..yea that'd be nice. Thanks." Embry says standing by the bar awkwardly watching me cook. 

"You're here early I never thought I'd see the day that Embry Call was at my house before 10." I say jokingly a laugh slipped through my words. 

"I thought it'd be a good idea to get a head start on the day, I have three years to make up Vi and I don't want him to think I'm a dead beat dad so." Embry explains taking a piece of bacon off the plate that was sitting on the bar. He quietly sits down on one of the stools and watches me cook again. 

"I totally get it Em. If you want you can wake him up and get him dressed and stuff. I know he'd love that," I comment softly. 

"Yea...if you don't mind of course," Embry states as he gets up grabbing another piece of bacon. 

"I don't mind at all. I kind of want to focus on my food so," I chuckle. I watch as Embry turns around and walks through the hallway to where the stairs are and makes his way up. I can hear Embry's muffled voice as he wakes up Austin. I turn back to my waffles and bacon. By the time I'm done cooking I had three plates laid out one for Embry and I and a small toddler plate of food for Austin. By the time I brought the plates to my small dining room and filled up the cups with orange juice for the three of us, Embry was carrying Austin down the stairs the two were laughing. Giggles were filling the house as Embry tickled Austin's side as he screamed, "THE TICKLE MONSTER HAS CLAIMED YOU," which just caused for another round of giggles. When they finally got into the dining room I had been sitting there cutting my waffle and dipping it into syrup. 

"Alright boys, take a seat. I don't need anyone choking from the tickle monster," I comment as I pour syrup into Austin's small dipping bowl. Austin hopped up into his chair and Embry took the seat across from me and next Austin. He quietly cut up Austin's food and showed him the best way to eat breakfast. I was half way through my meal when there was another knock on the front door. I stop staring at my son and Embry having their moment of eating and talking, which mainly consisted of Austin explaining about how great Toy Story is of course. Embry freezes up for a moment and turns his head slightly to where the sound had come from. I raise my eyebrows in confusion and mumble a "I'll get that." I scurry to the front door and look through the view finder to see Hudson standing on the other side. I slowly peel open the door. 

"Hudson...hey what are you doing here?" I question him softly peeking my head out the door. 

"I just thought I'd stop by early say hey and drop these flowers off for you," he says with a smile on his face. Hudson was a handsome guy, tall well shorter than Embry standing at 6'0 compared to Embry's 6'4, he was paler than Embry with blonde hair that combed nicely to the side. His eyes were a soft crystal blue with a darker outer rim. He wasn't buff but he wasn't a stick either he was lanky but had some muscle in the arms just not well defined. 

"Oh well thank you," I say as I grab the flowers from his out stretched hand. 

"So...can I come in?" Hudson asks as he tries to squish between me and the empty space. 

"Um...sure Embry is taking Austin for the if you don't mind doing the dishes while I finish up breakfast with them that'd be great..." I explain as I move slightly away from the door. Hudson squishes past me and walks into the kitchen. I go back to the dining room and start clearing plates. Well this just got a ton more awkward. 

"So, are you going to introduce me to your boy toy?" Embry questions me as I grab his plate, I was standing to the right of him in between him and Austin. A pang of hurt runs through me...he wasn't my boy toy. I could feel the jealousy radiating from Embry. 

"Hey Austin, why don't you run upstairs brush your teeth and grab a coat." I suggest to Austin so he wouldn't have to listen to Embry and I fight. I didn't want my son to see that. Austin nods and runs away his small feet pounding on the floor. I knew Hudson was in the kitchen there was no way he'd see or hear our discussion. I give Embry a sharp glare. "He isn't my boy toy and besides I think it's a little early for that."

"Why do you say that? Hm...miss me?" Embry questions me. He had wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. Electricity was running through my veins and the cravings were back. Embry had started to kiss my neck and I couldn't help but not lean into it. God the things he could do to me.

"Embry...please..." I moan softly I wanted to get away I did. But his pull he had on me said otherwise. 

"Embry please? So you want more?" He questions me while wiggling his eyebrows at me. This boy I can't. 

"You know what I mean." I explain as I turn to give him a look. But instead of replying his lips were on mine. The cravings broke. I indulged. His lips were soft and tasted so good. I forgot how much I loved them on mine. 


Oh my goodness, an update back to back?! Say what? I hope ya liked it ;) Please leave your comments down below and give it a cheeky vote. I'll love you forever if ya do. It looks like our girl Violet has gotten herself in a little itty bitty mess now hasn't she? Oh Violet. I love her though so it's cool. Haha Anyways. I love you all! Enjoy

Mia xo

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