Chapter 7

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Well, this will be interesting...

"Oh...hey Embry...this is Hudson...Hudson this is Embry," I say softly Quil was now standing beside Embry ready to back him up if needed. I highly doubted a fight would go down and even if it did Hudson wouldn't have a true fair chance. Which is kind of sad, Hudson had no idea what Embry was he could try and act tough as much as he wanted but Embry could still kick his ass. Hudson stands up next to me and holds out his hand to shake Embry's but Embry doesn't budge. 

"It's um nice to meet you Embry," Hudson says with a smile as he slowly lowers his hand down. Embry grunts back a response and sits near Austin and starts to play with the trucks that I had brought to the beach. Well that was awkward. Hudson slowly lowers himself to the ground and sits near me. I turn to try and find Leah to see if she was alright but she was sitting next to Adri and glaring at Hudson. 

I really thought they would be good friends and I'm not going to lie I'm pretty disappointed by her reaction to finally meeting him...I quietly take a bite of salad and smile at Emily who waves me over to her towel. I dust off myself off and go over to where she's sitting. Emily was the sweetest she knew everything right to say and she was always gorgeous even if she has three jagged scars going down her cheek. Her dark hair was braided to the side and she had one a jacket that belonged to cute. 

"Hey girly," I say with a smile. 

"Well hello my love!" She exclaims as she gives me a tight hug. I've missed her hugs and it's only been a few days since I last saw her. 

"How are you? Any dates for the wedding yet?" I question her softly poking her side and giving her the wiggly eye. Emily's face turns bright red as she starts to laugh. 

"I'm really good! We have set a date and it'll be this April on the 24th." She states with a smile. She was staring at Sam during our conversation the love in her eyes said so much...I wish someone would like at me like that. Envy had creeped up on me without me even realizing it.

"How exciting! That's only a few months away!" I squeal with delight. She laughs and nods. 

"Yea but we want it to be small and intimate won't be that hard to plan. Besides I found my dress already so that's one more thing taken care of. Hopefully I'll fit in it when I walk down the aisle." she replies as she takes a small bite of pie and then handing the rest to Sam. 

I wave my hand at her, "Girl don't worry about being thin enough you'll be fine! You work out and are healthy..." I state as I start to explain all the ways she'll be fine.

Emily smiles at me and says softly, "Vi...I'm pregnant." 

"Shut. Up. No way. Oh my goodness! How exciting!" I squeal with delight clapping my hands. I may be a mom but that doesn't mean that I can't be childish every once in a while. 

"Yea way haha! We just found out so by the time we get married I'll be three months. But no one knows just yet and we're trying to find a good time to tell everyone," she says with a smile. 

"You have my word. I won't say a damn thing," I tell her holding out my pinky. She takes my pinky with hers and laughs quietly. I look around for Hudson but it looks like he's disappeared off to somewhere. That's weird...not like Hudson to do something like that. My eyes end up traveling to where Embry is at he's playing catch with Quil and Paul and little Austin. How sweet...My heart was swelling with happiness. 

I look around for Leah again but she's gone too. Maybe she was so upset that she decided to go home...maybe we should grab coffee some time. I feel like a bad friend. I continue to watch the boys play catch when Embry sees me staring he smiles at me causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Or maybe that was nausea? Oh god. I think I'm going to puke. I quickly get up and run towards the bathroom where I sit and puke out my lunch or late dinner. Why god. Why. I don't even have a god damn tooth brush...fuck. I can hear footsteps coming near the women's bathroom please don't be anyone. Please. I keep puking though. Finally the footsteps stop right next to me and I feel my hair being pulled back gently. I look up and see Embry. Oh Em.

"Hey..." I say weakly.

"You okay?" He asks me softly concern was etched across his face as he stared at me.

I swallow and nod my head as I try to stand up. Embry grabs me from under the arms and holds me gently in his arms rubbing my back. Oh...that feels nice.

"Vi...don't like to me. You look like shit." he states as he keeps rubbing my back. I felt like shit. I just wanted to cry.

Next thing I know he's carrying me out of the bathroom and walking back to the group. Emily runs up to us with a concerned look on her face.

"Embry is she okay?" she asks worry was evident in her voice.

"I don't know...Do you mind taking Austin for the night or so. I don't want him catching whatever she has. Sam can take her car to your place and I'll grab it when I take her home." Embry tells her with a smile. I snuggled closer to his chest.

"Alright, I'll go ahead and do that for you guys. The poor thing...I wonder how she got so sick." Emily says softly as she picks up Austin who keeps babbling about the apple pie, Emily nods at him and smiles softly kissing him on the cheek. "So buddy we're going back to Uncle Sam's place for a sleepover!"

"," I choke out quietly, Embry grasps me tighter as he starts to go back to the car. Some how I fell asleep on the short drive home because all I remember is being laid down onto his bed gently. Embry squats down so he's eye level with me and puts a hand to my forehead to see if I have a fever. He kisses me on the lips softly.

"You don't have a fever but I want to keep an eye on you and make sure you get plenty of fluids..." he says softly as he changes me into a set of pajamas that he has. He then climbs into bed next to me. I snuggle closer to him and sigh in content. I was home.

"Hey...Embry," I mumble under my breath.


"I love you...thank you for everything," I sigh before finally going into a deep sleep in Embry's arms.

The next morning the curtains were closed leaving the room dark. I open my eyes to find Embry's out of bed and I can hear his voice talking on the phone from down the hall. I quietly step out of bed wrapping a bed around myself. I shuffle out of the room and can hear the voices clearer.

"She's fine Hudson, really don't worry about it. She'll understand that you had a family emergency. I would say come over but I don't know if she's contagious and I got my shot for the flu this season and she said that neither of you had yet so...right well those were her words not problem...I'll let her know...okay...mhm...bye." he says as he hangs up the phone with a click.

"Was that Hudson?" I question leaning on the door frame.

"Yea he's worried about you but I told him it'd be best if he didn't and stuff." he mumbles running a hand through his hair.

"Why would you say that?" I ask softly confusion written on my face.

" with me." he pleads with me.

"Embry..." I says softly.

"I love you Violet. I've loved you since the day we met. I've loved you every single second of every single day. I don't know what I'd do without you...Vi." he rambles quickly. I quietly start to walk closer to him when a wave of nausea hits me again. Fuck. I quickly scurry off to the bathroom and puke again. Oh god.

"Vi!" I hear Embry yell as he rushes to the bathroom. I keep puking. God. I feel like crap. What is going on...


Wowzers! Another update! I just have so much going on in my brain for this that like it's so much fun for me to write about right now. I'm sorry if it's a bit too much but I'm just so excited! Also I have a lot of work to make up for being so MIA so I guess that's part of it? I don't know! I hope ya liked it. What do you think is going on with Violet? Also what's up with Leah am I right? haha. Also what do you think about Hudson? Things are starting to get good. Be sure to vote, follow and comment! I love yous like a lot <3

Mia xo

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