Jump for Joy Chapter 5

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Jump for Joy

Chapter 5

"I know he is at your house bitch. I told you to stay away from him and you wouldn't listen. He dumped his girl and now it's my time but you want to come and mess thing up, not gonna happen. Watch" Locked. It was her again but now I realised it was because of Michael. But it couldn't have been his girl because the person on the phone said it was their time so who could it be.

I put the phone down and sit back down on the bed. I just sat there and started at the wall thinking. Why would someone want someone else so much that they have to threaten another person to stay away from them? If the person really wanted them they would be with them at their own terms. Michael was sat there watching me as I continue to stare at the wall.

"Joy you alright" he asks me in a concerned voice.

"Um, Yh am OK it's just that I have been getting some weird calls from some girl telling me to stay away from you I think." I told him

"WHAT, wtf what person would do that"

"I don't know. They would never give me any clue about themselves so I have no idea" I said in a very little voice. Why would I want Michael, he is just my friend; will I think he is.

"Next time they call you tell me Yh" he said coming to comfort me. I just nodded my head.

"Good" he said coming to hold me. I let him rock me in his arms since it did calm me down.

Unknown person

After I locked off my phone started ringing.


"Nikki, I need you, I can't stop thinking about him" Sasha cried over the phone. Here we go again. She has been doing this every day since he broke up with her. Yes, Sasha WAS the girl Michael went out with and broke up with her for another girl. The girl who was trying to take my man away. Michael is mine. I don't care if he was my best friend's man; he only used her for beats anyways. But when she told me that he dumped her I was jumping for joy. I know you may think I am heartless but she only met him because of me. I told her about him but not that I liked him, which was a big mistake. Maybe if I told her how I felt about him back then maybe she wouldn't have gone out with him.

"Sasha, you don't need me"

"Yes I do, please come" I signed and told her I was on my way. I caught the bus to her house and walked through her block to her house. I got there and her brother opened the door. He let me in and squeezed my bum as I walked in. I gave him a wink and ran upstairs. Her brother and I weren't in a relationship he was just like my fuck buddy. Think whatever you want but it's quite fun.

I walked into Sasha's room and she was sat there crying her eyes out.i went to her side and started comforting her. I don't even understand why she is so upset. It's not like he told her he loved her; but I guess he had that effect on people including me.

"Why would he leave me, I was always good to him, I always gave him what he wanted." I thought I could use this as a advantage.

"He left you for some next sket" I told her. This way I can get her to join me into getting this girl away from him.

"WHAT HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS" she shouted.

"I saw them lipsing and shit on the street, and he was bare touching her up" I lied. I actually found out that he liked her when I heard him once talking to Nathan and Corey about her.

"He what, h-how coul-d he do t-this to me. I love him" oh please she wouldn't know what love is if it slapped her in the face. Which I wanted to do every time she talked about my man.

"I could show you her if you want" I said with an evil grin on my face

"Yh I want to see who this bitch is so I can knock her out. Who is she doe?" she said starting to hyperventilate. I calmed her down and told her I would show her the next day. Hahaha this bitch thinks she can just come into Michael's life like that, Well she hasn't met me yet.

Joy's point of view

I and Michael were still in my room and watching a different movie called jeepers creepers. He told me to watch it and that it was really good. But he forgot to tell me that it was fucking scary. I was bare hiding in his arms screaming while he sat there holding my tight and laughing at me.

"It's not funny you idiot, stop laughing"

"Aww babes you scared. Don't worry he anit going to get you if am here" I just ignored him

"Oh please what could you do. He would just rip you head off. F he came into the room and attacked you the only thing I would do to save you is get my kickers,throw it at his head and run, if you don't get away then that's you problem, you on your own mate" he just continued to laugh. When the film finished I carried on cussing him and his fat head. I am never letting him choose a movie again. He's a fucking madman. I went into the kitchen and started looking for something to eat since no-one was home yet. He came into the room and started hugging me from behind.

"I like touching you" he told me. OK now this is just weird.

"Michael please stop this, can't you just act normal and not touch me and kiss me. It's not right"

"How comes it feels right" he whispered and bit my earlobe.

"Michael you are getting to confident, stop"

"Ok ill stop but can I asked you to do something for me?" he asked me while letting go

"If I feel I can do it then yes go ahead"

"Do you remember what tomorrow is?" I shook my head

"It's my died sisters birthday tomorrow" he said in a upset voice while putting his head down.

"Ah, Michael I'm so sorry"

"There is no need to say sorry it's not your fault. I just wanted to ask you if you could come with me to her gravestone to lay some flowers down and wish her a happy birthday. I know you may think it's Dum but-"

"I don't think its Dum; you loved your sister, now she is in a better place. And yes I will come with you to see her" I interrupted him.

"Thank you. I would hug you but I know you don't want me to touch you" he said giving me a sweet look. Argh, him and his sister always done that look and they knew it soften me up. He just looked so adorable.

"Hmm, ok come here" he smiled and came into my arms. After our hug I let go and went to sit on the counter.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked him.

"The mandem just called me and told me there having some next sleepover. Do you wanna come?" he asked me.

"Would I be the only girl there?" I asked because I get scared when am the only girl surrounded around boys.

"Narh, not even"

"OK let me get my stuff and then write a note to my parents telling them"


Ok so I am going to continue this tomorrow because I am tired.

Ok so now you know that the girl who wants Michael is his ex's best friend called Nikki

Watch out for the next chapter

Comment people pls :)

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