Chapter 1

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The creak from the heavy front door woke me. I'd learned to sleep lightly since the lights went out. Both boys were still sleeping hard, so I snuck off the bed and grabbed my baby glock from my lockbox. I retrieved the magazine and inserted it. I crept to the entrance of the foyer and listened. Male voices. Several of them. I hung my head and prayed hard. I'd need all the help I could get. Multiple people breaking into your house in the middle of the night could never be a good thing. I took a slow deep breath in through my nose and held it for a few seconds, letting it out quietly through my mouth. I crept down the hall, silently. I'd long figured out where the noisy spots were. My oldest was a terrible sleeper, and I'd learned how to walk the house quietly out of sheer desperation.

I turned to face the front door and swallowed. Armed men in black fatigues were filling the foyer of my farmhouse. There was no way I could stop them. I held my weapon pointed at the floor. They'd know I was armed, but hopefully wouldn't just shoot me automatically. I started to tremble as my heart pounded frantically in my chest as they all looked at me. The first three held their rifles and watched me with blank expressions. One of the larger men, a blonde with cerulean eyes had another draped over his shoulder, while another two were each holding up another. There had to be at least ten of them. I took a step to the right so that my back was to the corner behind me. I didn't want to make it so easy for someone to sneak up behind me. "Gentlemen, is there something I can do for you?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. We need your help tonight. Our brother has been injured and we need a place to sew him up. I swear that we won't hurt you. We just need to impose on your hospitality for a day or so." The male was tall, dark haired, lean. Stunning grey eyes. He appeared to wear his authority easily.

About 5 weeks ago, the lights had gone out, and never come back on. I was lucky that I was isolated, and that I hadn't had any uninvited guests before now. I had worked to make the small farm I'd inherited as self sufficient as possible. So far I had plenty of canned food from my garden and some that I had put away in the event of a hurricane. I'd even been able to install some solar panels and one turbine. It wasn't much, but it was just enough that I still had a working refrigerator. I had water from the well, room to grow fruit and veggies, and a small flock of chickens for eggs and meat. I'd even gotten a small bee colony started before the winter. If I was very, very careful, and very lucky, it would be just enough for the boys and myself.

A small puddle growing underneath the man hanging over his friends' shoulder caught my eye and brought me back to the present. "Your friend is bleeding. I have some supplies you can use. I'm going to put my gun away." I watched the men carefully for any reaction, and switched the safety on my weapon and put it in my waistband. I didn't want to set it down without knowing these men better. Besides, I had two small boys. I couldn't leave a weapon sitting out. Everything hinged on these men being good guys. Everything.

I moved from my corner and opened the pocket doors to my left. "My dining room table might be helpful. You can lay your friend out and examine him. I'll bring light..."

A familiar cry stopped me. Lee had woken up without me. "Swear to me on all you hold holy you won't hurt my family, and I will help you. I was a nurse before the lights went out. You are welcome to shelter here until your friends are healthy. But you must give me your word." There was little I could do if he wanted to hurt us, I knew. But I had to try. I knew there were good people in this world. I simply had to trust that God had sent us men that wouldn't hurt us.

"We won't hurt you. I swear on my mother's grave." The brunette with steel grey eyes said. "We would appreciate any help from you." He turned to look at the blonde curly haired man beside him. "Sean, get Nathan on the table. Check him out. Ma'am, if you can show me where some supplies might be..."

"Yes. Come with me. I'll show you where everything is and then I need to check on my boy." I turned and eyed the large man standing behind me. He must have snuck through the dining room doors into the kitchen and family room behind me. I hadn't heard him at all. He had tattoos on his forearms, and a lip piercing. "Please come with me as well. You'll need to carry the lamps." I turned and made my way down the hallway, Lee's cries hurting my heart. Lee didn't like waking without me. Hopefully his brother was holding him until I could get there.

We quickly walked a few feet down the hallway until we came to a closet underneath the stairway. I opened the door and pointed to the top shelf. "The top shelf has kerosene lamps and battery powered lamps. If your friend needs lots of light, the battery powered lamps are your best bet. Use them sparingly. Please use the kerosene lamps as much as possible. The third shelf from the top has gauze, bandages, rubbing alcohol, iodine, medical tape. I have some antibiotics and leftover pain meds. Please use those only if necessary. I have limited supplies. I need to check on my children. Please..." I turned to face the men behind me. I licked my lips nervously and met their eyes. "Please treat my home with respect." I was more aware of my small size than normal. At five feet nothing, every man in their group was taller than me, and these two in particular were both a foot taller than me. To say nothing of the raw strength evident in their physique. Both men nodded at me. "You have my word." Grey eyes promised.

"Thank you. Excuse me. Once I have the boys settled, I'll be back to help." I whispered.

Praying that neither one followed me and scared the boys, I made my way back to my bedroom. Both boys slept with me. They were still young, only six and three. It was safer for them to stay with me, and we all needed the comfort knowing that we were together.

A couple of weeks after whatever had caused the lights to go out, I had been out looking for information. I had found the boys hiding in their home, their parents murdered. I'd brought them home with me and we had become a family. The oldest, John in particular needed the reassurance. He was old enough that he knew that his parents weren't coming back and his sense of safety had been shattered. Lee, the youngest was still at an age where he needed help falling back asleep during the night. The boys were sitting up in the bed, with John hugging Lee with one arm, while rubbing his sleepy face with his other hand. My poor Lee was crying inconsolably. "Shhh... boys it's alright. Shh... it's ok. Let's lay down and sleep. It's not time to get up yet." I pulled Lee onto my lap, and hugged John with my other arm. After singing them quietly back to sleep, I checked the fire in the woodstove and quietly added another piece of wood.

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