Chapter 20 - Pour it up (2 part)

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I opened my sleepy eyes, feeling a weird aftertaste of alcohol in my mouth. Suddenly I tensed, realizing I wasn't alone in my bed. I slowly turned to the person my leg was sprawled over, seeing sleeping Yannik lying next to me. My heart drummed loudly as I wrecked my head to remember what happened between us.

He was here. In my bed.

I carefully removed his hand from my shoulder, slipping out of bed. I tiptoed on my fingers, quietly closing the bathroom door behind me. I seriously needed to get rid of the horrid smell of alcohol, sticking even to my hair. I showered and washed my hair as quickly as I could, afraid he would wake up and leave before I got the chance to talk to him. I bushed my teeth and covered myself with a towel since I forgot to bring something to wear.

I stepped into the bedroom as quietly as I could, but my body froze as I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed.

He looked up when I stepped in, nervously gazing into my eyes.

My heart thumped against my ribcage, threatening to jump out. "Um." I said pathetically, looking away from him. "What happened last night?"

His shoulders sagged, and he nodded dejectedly. "I thought this would happen."

"Yannik?" I stepped closer to him, lifting my hand to touch him.

He stood up, walking past me "You were drunk. We just messed around for a bit."

I let my hand fell to my side when I saw how he avoided my touch. "Have we...?" I looked up at him, my brows drawing together in confusion.

"No Korina, we haven't." He sighed, not looking me in the eyes.

And suddenly it all came back to me. My eyes widened as I remembered what happened, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment at how horribly I behaved.

"Oh my God." I covered my mouth with my hand "That's why I never drink, I behave like a crazy person."

"Right." He nodded, not really listening to me anymore.

"You had to carry me here?" I smacked my forehead.

"Look Korina." He said, his anger rising in him "I have to go."

"What? Why?" I said, bewildered, following him as he rushed downstairs. Feeling of dread spread in my stomach as I didn't want to lose him. "You are doing it again!"

"What?" He spun around, his face livid.

"Running!" I yelled at him, glaring into his eyes.

"And what do you suggest that I do? Stand by and watch you and Daniel play the happy couple?" He yelled back, veins clearly visible in his throat.

I groaned loudly, pinching the bridge of my nose "I can't believe you're this blind Yannik."

He shook his head, looking at me with confusion.

"I never liked Daniel, because there is someone else. There was someone else the moment I laid my eyes on him." I looked into his eyes, opening myself to him completely. I sighed with relief as I finally let it out, not holding it inside anymore.

He just stared at me, his face full of astonishment and disbelief.

I stepped closer to him, gently brushing my fingers across his cheek "You hurt me when you pushed me away."

"You can't..." He shook his head "I fought my feelings, thinking it's him you like. It never even crossed my mind you would like someone like me."

"Then stop fighting it and better believe it, because I am not going anywhere." I told him honestly.

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