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At Michael's House...1990

"Hi Beautiful",Michael said to me. "So what are we doing?"I asked. "Come",Michael said to me as he reached out for my hand. "Close your eyes",Michael said as he got behind me to lead me somewhere. "Ok?" I said. "Wow!"I said surprised. Michael put candles everywhere and put petals on the bed,there was a big box on the bed as well I wonder what it is. "Open it",Michael said excited. I opened the box and there was a really small box in it. Michael reached out to grab it,he then got on his knees. "We've been together for months and we've been through some things.I knew you were special when I first saw you,your beautiful green eyes make me go crazy but your self makes me love you more and more. Will you marry me?" Michael said happy holding the ring box open. "Yes!" I said crying from joy.Michael put the ring in my finger and stood up and kissed me. He took of the petals on the bed and threw the big box on the floor. He threw me on the bed gently and then got on top of me. I then started to take off my shirt,he helped me take it off. Once I did that I kissed him roughly,he's lips were so soft to mine. I started taking off his shirt. He was now shirtless and so was I. He told me to stand up so I did. He started taking off my jeans,when he was done I took of his jeans as well. He picked me up I wrapped myself around him and he then kissed me on my neck. He then rested me on the bed and kissed my chest. I knew where this was going. "I love you",Michael whispered.

The next day...(Its now morning)

I woke up to not wearing a bra. "Ugh Mike where did you put my Bra at?" I mumbled to my self. "Come here",Michael pulled me over. "What?I'm looking for my bra",I said to Michael. "Oh shit it's right here",I said as I grabbed my bra and put it on. "Your now my fiancé",he said while sitting up. "I am",I said holding his face. "I don't want a public relationship because of all the paparazzi and the fake stuff people make up",I said to him. "It's okay,nobody has found out about us,and I will like for us to not be public because of all that drama",Michael said leaning close to me. "Not now Michael I haven't gone to work,and my boss thinks I'm sick or something",I said putting my index finger on his lip. "So you have to go to work?" Michael asked. "Yes,I do",I said reaching out for my shirt that was on the floor. "Come on stay here",Michael said to me. "No Michael I need money",I said putting on my jeans. I then put on my shirt. "I'll let you borrow some",Michael said. "No Michael,your gonna start to think I'm with you for money and I'm not so I'm gonna go to work",I said. "Fine But at what time do you get out of work?" Michael asked. "At 2pm",I said to Michael. "Oh good",Michael said relieved.

At work....

"You finally decided to come huh?"My boss said as I walked in.(I'm a stylist)
"Uhh...Yeah I was in a relationship so I needed to sort things out",I said to my boss(Her name is Rosie). "How Bad was it",She asked acting like I had a bad relationship. "Well he had to travel and he left for months",I said to her hiding my engagement ring,probably because she would ask who the "Lucky young man"was. "He's probably cheating on your ugly ass",She said to me flipping her hair. "Oh honey look,look!" I said pointing at my engagement ring. She just laughed. You might be thinking...Why do you talk to her like that? Well I caught her doing something bad! So if she fires me then that goes to the actual boss of her. " Oh you want me to see your actual fake ring?" She said to me in a bitchy tone. "First of all your talking to the future Mrs.Jackson and second of all my ring is real unlike your fake ass cheap ring that makes your finger green",I said. I think the rest of the girls who were getting ready to get their costumers didn't get the part of Mrs.Jackson but they definitely got the fake ring part.

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