You probably know what's going to happen but if you don't suggest you look it up without the sonic part it's a great series if you're willing to feel that much despair
I'll be finishing the character intros here 3 per paragraph and also I'm adding fake last names because the cat is not really a plausible one also Amy is no longer going to be using the emojis honey will "Ok now what" "more people this means I'm not alone anymore" a voice said we looked over and seen a yellow girl with purple hair ok where to start "hi I'm miles but you can call me tails" "ok do you know anything about what happening "NOPE! \(0v0)/"honey shouted "ok then I'm Mina macanera shsl rock star "ok a awesome guy a science guy a goth fashion chick a obsessed chick and now we have a rock idol great" jet said "did I miss the fun" "ok now we have another one" "wow you all look like cartoon characters making me feel plain oh well I'm fang or nack as most people call me I'm the shsl sniper "wait DOES THAT MEAN YOU KILL PEOPLE" Amy screamed "no Amy I read up about him he hunts animals and no not mobian animals earth animals" I said "oh that explains a lot" suddenly the door opened "huh people here" a small girl said with tears in her eyes "thank you I thought I was alone" she hugged me she was just a little shorter than me I'm guessing she skipped a grade or two like me so we're both younger "ok I'll um introduce myself I guess I'm saffron buboke shsl pilot "how long have you all been here" she said shy she was clearly very shy actually "I was the first here and I'd say 3-6 hours" I said "oh so that means we can be here for days ok then what's your name" "oh I'm miles prower but you can call me tails I'm the shsl Science" "ok now we have a bee chick" jet said.
"Ok we have me Amy honey jay nack and saffron meaning six people with us when you all were getting here there were no lights and lots of things that you'd not find out about" "yeah the only lights were very dim and were green and red I almost didn't make it out without getting grabbed" saffron said "should we really go out there is scary \(~^~)/" to be honest I wouldn't but right now there could be other out th- "shadow look people" a blond hedgehog said we looked over and say the gun pro And a girl in a lab coat running to us with smiles "oh than god I thought we were alone" the yellow hedgehog said the one I'm assuming is shadow is most likely the gun pro I saw "ok shadow let's introduce ourselves im Maria robotnic shsl astronomer and I'm shadow shsl gun pro" "did you see anyone else out there mate?"nack asked "yes a buff guy but he was running so we coul- Maria was stopped in her sentence when a very buff looking polar bear stepped in out of breath "THATS HIM" she yelled he started writing down on paper it said "I'm bark the polar bear I'm an orphan so I don't know my last name so just call me bark shsl ice master" "can you speak" he shook his head yes then mumbled out "I just don't like to" oh he's shy he's probably going to be a big ball of pure fluff as the internet would say "on this means we could have nine plus by the end of the day" nack said kicking the chair of the now asleep Mina
Next we got two people who were fimiliar to honey "VECTOR ESPIO WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WHERES CHARMY" she had apparently joined there detective agency and helped them in her free time "THATS WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW" "we walked in and charmy floated over the gates but me and vector looked at charmy who was staring when he flew away then vector got hit with a baseball bat and i with a trank dart either way this is vector he is the shsl detective and he almost got rejected by the school because they thought he was in his 20s" "HEY I HEARD THAT that's espio he is the shsl ninja and if charmy was here he'd be the shsl honey keeper" "but charmy never kept me /(0-0)\" honey said trying to make a joke but none of us laughed "oh come on that was funny(>^<)" next we had two more groups knuckles shsl boxer Tikal came with him as the shsl chao caregiver then we had marine and bean shsl sailing crew and apparently the only reason bean did it was because he knew marine and both were carzy meaning they would get along and "CANNONS ARE LIKE GIGANTIC BOMBS SO I USE THEM TO KILL PEOPLE IN OTHER SHIPS" so yeah but then
"Please spread out I'm about to start" a voice said over the intercom thenafter we did it came from the teacher podium "welcome to hopes peak I'm your headmaster monokuma!" (Theres a crappy uncolored picture that I made of all the charicters at the end they met venella too but I couldent squeeze her in also for special events I will draw them ) (From left to right shadow he's in the corner nack saffron Maria espio vector
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Left to right knuckles Tikal bark bean he wears a male version of marines outfit
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Amy tails and djsajisxhjejnexjjedxnjedxnjejfnifnrjnfddi *text error restarting*
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Jet Mina jdndincjenfcjbfjfbrcjbrfjnfrjnfjr *text error restarting* and last honey also venella should be here as the shsl teacher but I couldent find her drawing