You probably know what's going to happen but if you don't suggest you look it up without the sonic part it's a great series if you're willing to feel that much despair
"WHAAAAAAAAAAA MINA WHY ARE YOU WHAT IS THU BUUT AHHHHH ಥʖ̯ಥ" "m-Mina" we were all either screaming crying or in shock Mina was dead gone forever now all that was here was her empty shell as we were mourning her death monokuma popped in "yes finally someone died now as you all know whoever killed her will graduate but before they can a class trial will happen" "CLASS TRIAL NOWS NOT THE TIME MAN"jet yelled "I don't care now here's a basic explanation of the class trial all of you will be brought to a room decorated to match the hallways before I turned on the lights and there you will each take a place at a podium and put your hand on it now that you claimed a podium you will put the hat on your head it will hurt a lot the first time but as soon as it's done hooking into your brain yo- "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOOK INTO OUR BRAIN" yelled bean "LET ME FINISH this will put you into a vertual world where the podiums will be decorated to have your talent as its theme it will seem like a game the words you say will appear to all of you and instead of seeing it throughout your eyes you will see it from a camera angle and the picture on the side of the person talking will be how unstable they are
Monokuma went on the podiums of dead people will have a small tv with there picture on it "now investigate ask your friends where they were GET IT STARTED" then saffron shadow saffron and espio got here we explained it all and got started Evidence found knife below upside down cage Evidence found scratches on the walls felt Saffron's Account found Mina was not in her dorm last night Espio's account found he got a different letter from her and assumed it was a prank Evidence found felt from the walls in minas harness Murder weapon found harness snapped and tied back up to hang Mina Evidence found minas harness was able to move across the stage from right to left Monokuma jumped in again "WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION you all need to have the body report it should be in your student handbook" uh ok we all check and it gives basic info on Minas death
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Yes I know it's trashy and has horrible lighting
It didn't help much Saffron's account found "espio and shadow were in front of me when we were running to the elavator I know they couldent have done it but I don't know about the people behind me" Shadows account found "espio and those sailing weirdos joined our group from a hallway on the side Ok I think that's all the evidence we nee- "investigating times over please make your way to the court yard in front of the statue"the intercom said we all got there and monokuma was there "now as you all know about the trial I forgot to tell you that in the end of the trial if you vote for the wrong person you all die but if you vote for the right person they get a talent related execution "WAIT OUR LIVES DEPEND ON THIS (凸 ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)凸" "yep that's why you better get it right"