I woke up and went to the lunch room to get some eggs and beacon and whatever food we had today once I sat down to eat I realized the morning announcement haven't even came on I was early then I thought "wait this means I can eat as much food as I want!" I think so I get a few plates and stack up on food but then I hear the lunchroom door open then close I gather up my courage and jump out but I see no one I just see paper next to my beacon I open it it says"please meet me in classroom 1-8 at 10:00am" in fancy handwriting it's a few minutes before them parting announcements so I hurry up and eat then once I'm done saffron walks in and gets some food then sits next to me "s-so what's with silver" "I don't know he did something to me and Tikal then ran away speaking of which isn't she in your dorm" "yes she didn't show up though last time I saw her she had a note saying meet me at the SHSL swimmers lab i need to check my timing and your the most average person here just keep in mind there are weights next to the pool so look out for them" then she walked away and told me not to follow her" hmm I hope she's ok I think then one by one all the students arrived it was 9:46 so I had some time but then I noticed honey marine and Tikal weren't here I just brush it off and continued talking to honey nack vanalla and Amy
I leave and go to the classroom where I was told to go once I get there. I see marine she motioned for me to come over she told me "I well ever since I saw you and your discoveries In science I fell in-in- I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU
"..." "..." we were both silent marine looked like she had tears in her eyes but I knew she wasn't actually going to cry she's strong mentally...right?"well" she says "I'm speechless how can someone like a geek like me" "your all I've ever wanted in a man and I finally found one" "well I haven't known you for long but I don't know if we could make it out alive together" "then why not make a promise to everyone that we can all escape together and be friends we can all be happy" "fine then let's together all leave this place in your case though I have to say...yes" she smiles and hugs me I hug back we stay there until we can't stand anymore then we go to the others silver bean Tikal or bark aren't with the others it worries us all so we go out to look we get to me silver and creams dorm and check "ugh why do I have this splitting head ache" we hear I step in and silver goes from looking miserable to scarred as he sees us we quickly shuts the door in our facesWe go around some more looking for the others marine is at my side when we decide to split into groups of three me marine and cream are going vector honey and saffron are going vanilla knuckles and jet go nack shadow and Maria is a group and we all split up me and my group go through the dorms after getting the owners permission me and cream are going through when i find a paper in the kitchen it has some notes but one catches my eye "I can't believe after I told her about my feelings she did that even if it means going I'm taking her with me" it scares me the only girl missing is Tikal and bark and bean are good friends not really fond of Tikal for spoiling there plans of mischief it all made since bark or bean had told Tikal about how they feel about how she monitors them and she got mad so now Tikal could be dead in a room any whe- I hear the door to marines door slam shut and someone running me and cream look out the door no one is there marine isn't in her dorm she was checking either we start shouting her name and there was no response

Sonic danganronpa
ActionYou probably know what's going to happen but if you don't suggest you look it up without the sonic part it's a great series if you're willing to feel that much despair