This is it. This is the day my life begins. This is my first day of high school.
I would always lay awake, wondering what it would be like. Would these four years really be the best four years of my life? That's what my middle school principal told us. But I doubted anything he said; everyone did.
Freshman got the whole school to themselves for the first day. I guess one extra day is supposed to get us used to the new school. I know I'll need more than a day. Much more.
I walked in through the front doors of the school, which I have entered before, but never for this reason. I always thought of the high school as the place where our band and chorus concerts were held, never as a school which people actually attend. Even though my sister goes there, I still never thought much about it.
I looked up at the large blue sign that was hung above those front doors. "Be the one!" it said in large white font. I never really understood what that sign was all about.
I took one more deep breath.
Slowly, I reached for the rusted silver handle on the door labeled DOOR 2. I walked into the front lobby, and starred at the dirty green tiles.
When I looked up, I was shocked to see an empty room. Not one person. Should I turn back and see if my mom's car is still waiting outside the door? Should I walk around and see if anyone is there? There were so many questions I had at this very moment.
I had wondered if I came on the wrong day, the wrong time, the wrong school. There were a million thoughts running through my head.
I had a sudden urge inside of me that told me to look inside the auditorium. It was right next to the lobby, so I managed to calm down for a few minutes and peek in the auditorium window. Sure enough, there were about 150 students in there. Some were talking, some were hugging their friends. Others were sitting alone doing nothing. I looked to see if there was anyone I knew.
My eyes caught Amy, who was my ex-best friend. We were so close until she started to change in the fifth grade. She talked behind her so-called-friends' backs, she even made a fake Facebook page about someone from our school. She also did some pretty nasty things for money a few months ago with James, a boy from last year. I guess middle school really did change her.
If middle school can change you, I wonder what high school will do.
By this time, I knew I had to enter that auditorium sooner or later.
My hand slowly reached for that freezing door knob.
I hesitated.
I had finally forced myself to turn the knob and open the door. It seemed heavier than I remembered.
The door made a loud screech as I opened it. When I walked in, 150 pairs of eyes looked up at me. It was now dead silent. They starred at me as I headed straight for a seat close to the back of the auditorium. I managed to keep my eyes on the ground as I walked.
Just as I sat down, a tall, young looking man stepped up to the microphone at the front of the stage.
"Welcome, freshmen, to your first day of high school!" the man shouted. He expected everyone to cheer, but we all just groaned.
One skinny boy in the front was the only one who sarcastically cheered. I realized it was Georgie, a boy who was in my 7th grade homeroom. Georgie was a class clown, he always made the whole class crack up.
"Settle down, kids. You don't want to wake the lunch ladies up!" Nobody laughed. Not even Georgie.
I scanned the auditorium, looking for any one of my friends. They must not have came yet, which wasn't a surprise. My friends are always late to everything, especially when we make plans.

Teen Fiction"This is it. This is the day my life begins. This is my first day of high school. I would always lay awake wondering what it would be like. Would these four years really be the best four years of my life? That's what my middle school principal to...