Chapter 5 - Part 2

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Takeshi High had a way of making the best days feel short and the worst ones feel never-ending. Counting down the hours before school ended, this day happened to be the latter. Jackson groaned through first, slept through second, turned into sludge by third, and was ready to die up until the bell out of fourth rang. The only highlight was seeing Ms.Forrester as the grumpy Ms.Doil, but that wore its welcome fast when he realized that she wasn't going to pull any punches for him because he was now in her fun class. In fact, Jackson suspected she was actively antagonizing him.

As lunch started, Jackson sat down at this normal empty lunch table, only to re-read the reminder on his right arm as he dug through his backpack looking for his lunch. Begrudgingly entering the lunch line, Jackson resigned himself to the fate of high school food. As he waited for the line to move even an inch (Come on dude, you don't need to make a salad and a fruit platter) he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find Ivory in the spot behind him in line, wearing a grin and the same outfit she had the last time he had seen her.

"Howdy Mr.Clockshop super," she said, emphasizing clock in such a way that anyone a mile away would know it was sarcastic. "Planning to set the lunchroom on fire, or was the classroom enough?"

Jackson didn't even bother to respond, instead turning back toward the front of the line to ignore her. He felt incredibly guilty as he did so because the "She's sorry" message he had received yesterday from the well was undoubtedly directed at her. And he had meant to talk to her about whatever Dino & Sons is.

Turning back around once again, he responded "Nope. I've had my pyrotechnics hunger filled for the next year or so. Have you had your crimefighting death wish satisfied yet?"

"No, that one is still out for the count." They shuffled forward, Jackson grabbing a burger while Ivory grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Hey, this is going to sound weird, but, someone told me to ask you about something called Dino & Sons," he divulged to her.

She stopped for a moment, staring at him, eyes wide. "Who told you?" she snapped, quietly yet firmly. Jackson continued to make his way down the line, grabbing an apple.

"The Writing Well, you know, down on 23rd," he answered. You know, like she would have confused it with that other writing well on fourth or something. (To be fair, Vera City did have its fair share of superhero created things)

"Shit. Figures a half-rate tourist trap would tell ya."

"Hey, it's not a tourist trap! It has history," he defended. Jackson couldn't believe he was actually arguing for the Writing Well, with all the shit it had put him through as of recently. Ivory skipped ahead of him, grabbing a chocolate milk and quickly paying. Jackson did the same. "Well? Why would the 'tourist trap' tell me to ask you that?"

She fell in behind him, as they traversed the busy lunchroom. Light streamed through the large tinted glass skylights above them, bathing the room in a soft glow. When it rained, the water pinging off the glass would reverberate throughout the room, but the students were always louder. Amongst the chatter, Jackson almost missed what she said next. "You're not the only one who keeps secrets."

Jackson had by now reached his lunch table and sat down. To his surprise, Ivory also sat down and started to eat. Deciding not to inquire as to why, they ate together in silence, mulling over the cardboard meal.

"Alright," Ivory declared, putting down her half-eaten slice, "I'll tell you about Dino & Sons if you tell me what your real power is."

Jackson glanced around, making sure no one had overheard. He spied Jennifer and Lillian at their regular table two away, but they didn't seem to be paying any particular attention to him. Good, he could eat in relative peace. "I don't know..." he said.

"I'm going to figure it out eventually. Why fight it when we can work together?" she pointed out, putting on the same sly expression she had when she tapped him on the shoulder only a few minutes earlier.

Jackson didn't respond immediately, deciding to finish his burger. As he forced down the last bite, he conceded. "Sure, whatever. You go first."

"Dino & Sons isn't something I can just explain. You'll have to see it first. Are you free tonight?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

Jackson had to decline her offer, "Sorry, I'm going to Selina's party. Are you?" He realized his mistake an instant after saying it. Of course she isn't, or she wouldn't have asked him to visit Dino & Sons.

"Selina Sadie Demarcson is hosting a party. Tonight," she stated.

"Yes?" Jackson answered uneasily.

"And a lot of people will be there."


She leaned her chair back, coming precariously close to it tipping over, and put her hands behind her head. "Why yes. I will be there. As for Dino & Sons, does Sunday sound good? Do you drive? Wait, don't answer that, I can tell you don't. The address is 6422 Lombard Way. Be there by nine in the morning."

Bewildered, Jackson unraveled her response and already forgetting the address asked her "Wait, where?"

She sighed. "God, I'll just write it down." She grabbed a pen (a normal one, not the glass pen thankfully), searched for a piece of paper, and upon coming up empty grabbed his arm. She rolled up his sleeve, catching a glance at the message the Writing Well had given him.

"Interesting... Alright, your other hand."

Jackson sheepishly rolled up his other sleeve, revealing the other message the well had written. The Writing Well's messages could be washed off after six hours or so, but they were big and washing them off would wipe out any other pen marks on his arm. "Even more interesting..." Ivory remarked.

"Alright, whatever. We'll walk. Meet me at Super's Ladder by seven."

This time, Jackson was able to give a confident and succinct "Sounds good."

Smiling, Ivory stood up from her chair and started to walk away. After a few steps, she called out to him "What are you waiting for?" Jackson gave an elegant "Huh?" to her question, to which she told him, "Lunch just ended. We have the same next period. Let's go."

Off they went.

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