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A/N~ Thanks so much for 1k reads

Zach's POV

I am sitting in the kitchen eating with Corbyn when Jonah comes down the stairs.

"My bros we are going somewhere this afternoon so get ready." Jonah says opening the fridge. "Jonah, it is literally eight in the morning." Corbyn says rolling his eyes. "Yeah I am shocked to see you awake without coffee." I say laughing. "Ok, but still get ready anyways." he says starting his beloved coffee.

After a while a surprisingly perky Kenzie runs down the stairs. She had regained most of the weight she lost in a month's time and had moved back in. "Zachary!" she says plopping into my lap. "Mackenzie!" I say before kissing her. "Oh my gosh you two, keep it pg." Jack says rolling his eyes and sitting on the couch.  "Oh hush Jack, it isn't like whenever Gabbie is here you two aren't making out every chance you get." Kenzie retorts with sass.


We arrive at the park the Jonah said we were going to film a mashup at. Kenzie is the fist out of the car and she runs to a dog that she saw.

Third Person POV

"Hey puppy, hey." Kenzie cooed to the puppy. "Where is your owner huh?" she asks looking around. "I don't see them but you I will keep you company until they return." Kenzie says sitting down.

Meanwhile as the boys are filming a mashup Kenzie had started to throw a stick for the lost puppy. Kenzie had thrown the stick real hard and ran after the puppy to make sure it didn't get hurt.

The boys had finished there mashup and Zach had went to find Kenzie, but the boys had nothing to do so they followed. The site they saw terrified them, it was Kenzie running into the street to grab the puppy without looking, and just as she reached the puppy *BOOM* a car had hit her.

Jack's POV

All I hear is the haunting scream of my best friend Zach while I witness my sister get hit by a car. "KENZIE!" Zach screams running towards her. "Call 911!" I hear Daniel say. I just stood there in shock. Finally I snap out of it and run to my sister. What I see terrifies me, there is a small pool of blood surrounding her. "Kenzie be ok, please for me, for Jack, for your family, please Kenzie don't leave me." Zach cries as he holds her in his arms. The driver is apologizing and crying when the ambulance arrives a minute later.

Kenzie's POV

I wake up and see me laying on a surgery table. I'm not coding or anything, I can just see myself lying there on the table. I decide to leave the room to find the boys, I find Jack first. His face is red and his hair is a mess. "Jack.." I say touching his shoulder. He didn't react just stood there. "Jack!" I yell desperate for him to answer. "Why won't you answer me!" I scream as he walks right past me. I run after him and see the rest of the boy and even Bella. Bella is crying along with Daniel as they hold each other. Jonah is crying with his head between his knees. Corbyn is on the phone, I'm assuming with Christina, crying. Jack is sitting down beside Jonah, who hugs him. Zach is in the worst shape out of all the boys, he is crying so hard. I can't look at him, he is standing so I hug him. He doesn't feel me hug him, but I stand there and hug him. "Kenzie, if you can hear me please pull through. We need you, Jack needs you, I need you." Zach whispers. "I am here Zach I am right here." I say looking at him. "So please for our sake God, don't take her she isn't ready, it isn't her time." he says looking up and closing his eyes.

I sit there with the boys growing tired, but then the doctor comes up. As soon as Zach sees him, he jolts up and asks, "How is she, is she alive?" "Mr. Herron, Mr. Avery, Mr. Besson, Mr. Seavey, and Mr. Frantzich, Miss Avery is ok but she suffered many internal injuries. When you see her she is hooked up to some tubes, and it may be shocking at first." the doctor explains as he walks the boys to the ICU.

When we arrive I see my body and shrink to the floor. I can't believe how lifeless I look. "I don't want to be like this anymore! I want to be me again please! I WANT TO TALK TO THEM AND THEM HEAR ME, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO TOUCH THEM AND THEM FEEL IT!" I scream progressively getting louder. "I AM DONE PLEASE I CAN'T BE LIKE THIS ANYMORE!" I pause as I start to cry. "I-I want to hold him and him know I am holding him, I-I want to tell him I love him and him to say it back not just to me but to me." I say as the tears flood my eyes. I lay beside my self and look at Zach. "I-I love you so much Herron, and if I can't be with you just know I love each and every one of you, but most importantly you." I say crying harder wishing he could hear me. "I love you to Avery." he whispers as everything goes black.




Just to See You Smile/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now