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c o b y // 0 2

"What movie are you talking about?" I asked, fully aware that he was talking about my prom queen position.

"The one you're starring in." He smirked at me, any of his previous awkwardness vanishing as he realized he had me hooked.

"I'm not starring in any movie of yours," I respond flatly, turning on my heel and heading to the Java Juice, hoping he wouldn't follow me. My hopes were crushed as soon as I heard the rough sound of his ratty converse following closely behind me. 

"But you have to," the curly haired boy stops in front of me, grasping my upper arm in his extremely large hand. 

"I don't have to do anything for you, okay? Now let me go," I shook him off and searched in my bag for my phone, praying Taylor could come to my rescue. 

"Coby, please, hear me out," he calls from behind me, his voice desperate. 

"What?" I stopped, not turning around, but I stopped. That must have been enough for him because he jogged in front of me and stood, staring at me. "Are you going to talk?" I ask, still wracking my brain for his name. I didn't want to be the bitch that didn't know his name, but that was what I was turning into at the moment.

"Yes, ah right, sorry," he stutters, running a hand through his mop of hair and pushing his glasses high on his nose. "So, I'm entered into this film festival, and this is, like, the biggest opportunity I've ever had in my life, and it's a documentary, about high school and how it is today, and immediately I knew I had to do it about prom. And I knew it had to be you, so please, do me a favor, and I'll do anything you ask me to do." His face was flushed and I could tell this thing meant a lot to him, whatever his name was. He was passionate about it, his eyes shining as he looked at my face closely.

"What's in it for me?" I arch a brow at him and he runs a hand through his hair again, standing straighter.

"You're the star," he explains, "And once we submit the film and everyone see's it, you'll be a shoe in for queen."

"And you'll do whatever I need?"  I ask, knowing he is probably a genius.

"Anything, as long as I can document it." He nods and you sigh.

"Fine," I give in, hoping it won't be that bad (and that I won't have to ask his name).

"Thank you, you won't regret it," he smiles and goes to walk away before I call after him.

"Hey, uh, Fletcher?" I shout and he stops, and I was about to do my happy dance because I guessed his name right.

"You know my middle name?" he sounds surprised when he turns back to face me, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. 

"Uh, duh?" I laugh nervously, trying to cover it up. He looks to the store we're standing next to and I immediately start mouthing, "fletcher? what the hell is a fletcher?" and shaking my head before his attention returns to me, "Don't you know mine?" 

"Um, no, actually, I don't," he chuckles, walking closer to me, "Should I?"

"It's Leigh," I nod, giving a false smile and hoping he doesn't see through me. 

"Coby Leigh," he smiles down at me, "Has a nice ring to it."

"Well, I mean, Fletcher is quite the cool middle name," I laugh and I notice a red tint rise to his cheeks as he looks down and I grimace. What the hell am I doing? 

"Uh, thanks..." he drawls and I give another forced grin, hoping he says something so I can change the subject, "Anyways," he shakes his head, his touseled hair falling into his eyes, "What did you need?"

"Oh, right," I realize that I did call him back for a reason, shuffling my fingers through my hair, "When do we start ?"

"I didn't tell you that, did I?" he chuckles to himself, shaking his head.

"Not quite," I laugh and he nods, opening his arms in excitement.

"As soon as you want to, I guess, so how about tomorrow?" He suggests, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Sounds good," I smile nervously watching as he stares directly into my eyes. "Here," I dig through my purse and pull out my iPhone, "Give me your number and I will call you tomorrow." He smiles and takes it from me, punching in his name and seven numbers before giving it back.

"All set?" He grins and I nod, walking away, looking down at my new contact.

Ashton. His name was Ashton.

a s h t o n // 0 1

I was pacing my room, staring intently at my phone on a Sunday afternoon, hoping Coby called me before I went mad in the head. My pacing ceased when I heard a knock at my door, going over to answer it. I was expecting my brother, not the tiny brunette standing in my doorway.


"Sorry," she shrugged, "Your number wasn't going through so I asked my brother where you lived. Your mom let me up," she walks into my room without an invitation, setting her bag on my mess filled desk and sitting cross legged on my bed. 

"Sure, come in," I mumbled, earning a glance from her, but she didn't say anything, instead opening her black laptop open. 

"So I thought we should make a schedule, just so I know when I need to have my cutest outfits and makeup on, and so you know when it isn't okay to film, sound good?" she muttered, clicking away on her computer. "Wifi password?"

"Oh, uh, hold on," I was in shock, she was just sitting there like she belonged while I shuffled through my desk, taking in side glances of her profile. "Here," I handed her the paper and she glanced up, taking it out of my hand and smiling lightly, typing it into her computer.

"Okay, so this is when I'm free," she turns the screen to face me and I see an excel spread sheet of her month.

"You're like really organized," I chuckled, scrolling through the screen, noticing that she had two jobs on her schedule. "You work two jobs?" I glance up and notice her face pale.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal," she takes the computer back, bringing it close to her chest. "So, see any times that would work for you?"

I nod, "Tomorrow afternoon?" I brush my hair out of her eyes, looking over to see the color has returned to her face and she was smiling at me again.

"Yeah, sounds good," she grins, looking around my bedroom. "Blink, huh?" she points to the poster of Travis and his drums hanging on my wall.

"You know Blink?" I was shocked, to say the least. She struck me as more of an One Direction, Katy Perry type.

She chuckles, "My dad is a pretty big fan, so it's more of a by relation thing, but yeah," she giggles, "I know Blink." She shuffled around on my bed, so that her legs were crossed and her back pressed against the wall. "I like your room, Ashton," she nods, which appeared to be more of an affirmation to herself than anything, but whether it was or not, I smiled.


"So, we can meet tomorrow after school." She stands up, and I can't help but notice how nice her ass looks in her jeans, but as soon as she turns around I feel my face heat up. "Are you okay?" She places a hand on my shoulder and I start to nod, standing up quickly, causing her hand to fall off my shoulder. 

"Uh, yeah tomorrow," I smile briefly and she grabs her purse, shoving her computer in it and yanking it on her shoulder.

"Bye," she shuffles her face, allowing her green eyes to catch mine quickly before falling to her feet. She waves lightly, backing out of my room and bumping into my bookshelves before running out and I hear her feet clamber down the steps.

She was definitely something.

. . .

hi wow its been about a millennium and a day but i am back and swear to u that if i don't update again within a week u can murder me so 

also thank you for 11k im still confused omfg but i hope this update is okay the story will actually start soon so yay omg

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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