The Dream

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Jessica POV

So me and Lucy are walking to the train station and I keep looking at my hand. I really question what that spark was it felt...amazing. Wait?! What am I saying?! I could feel my cheeks heating up. I covered my head with my hands. I could hear Lucy giggling so I look at her though my hands.

"Thinking about Natsu Jessica-chan" Lucy said with a smirk on her face and I think my face turns 50 shades of red.

"No I'm not!" I said in a mumble and Lucy just continued to giggle. When we were walking I bumped into someone and almost fell to the ground but was caught by a person.

"Jessica you need to be careful next time" a deep husky voice. My face turned redder then red if possible. I look up and see that I was Natsu's arms.

"uh..." I just looked into his eyes and was locked with him. I felt him leaning forward and I couldn't control myself from leaning in too.

"Summer Village train is here! Let's go!" Lucy said and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the train. Dammit so fucking close again!

Natsu Dragneel POV

So close I almost kissed her! Wait...why am I worrying a about that! This is confusing I just want to cuddle and kiss her and to have her be by my side's almost spring and I remember Ingeel told me something important about spring and love but I forgot it.

"Natsu come on! hurry up slow poke!" Jessica yelled and I see Lucy and Happy standing next to her waving at me from the train. Great here comes the motion sickness.

Jessica POV

So we get on the train and it's been a hour and Natsu's head is out the window. Poor guy but I know this already from the shows.

"Hey Natsu are you ok?" I asked. I know it's stupid to ask but I want to make sure.

"I-I-I'm F-fine" He said.

"Do you wanna to rest your head on my lap?" I asked and he slowly nodded and put this head on my lap. I ran my fingers though his hair which was really soft you would think with the spiky hair it would be sharp. I giggled as he fell asleep. I just kept running my fingers though his hair.

Happy Dragneel POV

Natsu looks really happy when Jess is around. I bet he likes her but I'm not sure is Jess likes him back. Both Natsu and Jess fell asleep just a few minutes ago. I just wonder what Natsu is dreaming about his emotion on his face keep changing.

~~Natsu Dream~~(Natsu POV)

Where am I? Where Happy or Luce or better yet where Jessica!

"Son your in a dream" I heard a voice speak and I knew who was the owner if that voice.

"Ingeel!!!" I yelled and ran to him and hugged him.

"Ah Natsu you grown so much from the last time I saw you" Ingeel said and I just smiled at him.

"But I do have serious things to talk about with you" Ingeel spoke with complete seriousness in his voice.

"What is it" I asked and he turned into human form. (yes in my story they can do that!)

"It's almost spring you know what that means" he asked.

"No I don't" I spoke

"It's mating season my boy! Your going to find your mate this year" Ingeel said and that's when everything clicked...wait is Jessica my mate then?

"But I have to tell you what to do when you find your mate and how to claim her as yours" Ingeel said and I just nodded to let him now I was listening to him.

"Well you need to place a mark on your mate so others now that she is taken by you. You need to use your canine teeth to bit her in the neck near there sweet spot" Ingeel said.

"Bite?!" I said and he nodded

"That's the first part in mating there is three steps. First was the marking on the neck. The next is going though heat with your mate" Ingeel said

"Heat?" I asked

"Yes heat it when the female is addicted to you and will become horny around you but some can over come the feeling and get over. Heat only last 3-4 days and no other male dragonslayer can be near her or they will take advantage of her" Ingeel said and this made my blood boil. Never would anyone take advantage of MY mate.

"And the last step" I asked

"Having 'it' with your mate" Ingeel said

"'It'?" I asked still new to all this. Ingeel just sighed

"Sex Natsu that's when you fully are mated with your mate" Ingeel said but then started to fade in and out.

"Good bye Natsu I will come back once you are mated with your mate good luck" he said and disappear.

~~End of Dream~~

(Still Natsu POV)

When I woke up I see Jessica poking me in the ribs telling me to wake up. I guess that means we are here.


Yeah! Chapter done! It was kinda weird writing with chapter because I had to put 'it' in the chapter. Yeah but comment what you thought of the chapter and vote if you liked it and follow!~M


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