Part 1: The past

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Your in your yard playing on the swings when you hear your dad call your name "Y/N! Come here sweetie!" Y/F/N calls (Your fathers name)
"Coming Papa!" you call back to him.

Your little pink dress waves as you run inside to your father holding a few toys in his hands.

"Y/N.. What did I say about cleaning up your toys?" Your father looks down at you with a pouty face.
"...To put them away after playing with them, Papa.." You reply looking at the ground kicking at the ground.
"That's right baby girl, now go upstairs and put your toys away" He hands you your toys and you take them from him and nod in agreement.

You turn around and make your way up the steps holding your toys in your hands. You make you way up to your bedroom and kick the door slightly to open it.
You walk inside and place your toys in the toy box. "alllll done" you talk to your self then look out the window to see the trees waving making it look like they are saying hello to you.
"and hello to you to Mr.Oak Tree!" you giggle until you hear a bang downstairs and hear your father yell "I thought I killed you demon!" You wonder if he's playing a video game "Just don't hurt my baby! Take me! Not her!" You hear the sound of things smashing then realise he's definitely not playing a video games.

Your feet patter against the ground as you make your way downstairs and running into the room where your father is pinned against a table and a man hovering over him with pure black eyes.
"Y/N! Run!" Your father yelps in fear for your safely.
Your feet do not move, your stuck in fear to see the man holding a knife.
"..P-Papa...?" The only words you manage to get out.
The mysterious man grins at you then stabs your father in the stomach and throws him to the floor. The man creepily waves at you before he disappears Into the finn air.
"Papa!" You cry out and run over to your father laying on the ground with blood dripping from his body.
"...Y-Y/N.. Go to call the contact 'A-Asshole'... he'll h-help you.." the only words your father manages to get out before the light leaves his eyes and his hands start to go cold.

The phone your father had told you to go to was over by the sink, you make your way over to it and dial the contact 'asshole'.

A man picks up the phone. "Hello? Y/F/N what's up? The voice says
"H-H-Hello?" You say with a sob.
"...Uhhhh, hello? Who is this?" The voice said sounding confused.
"Please...Help! M-My papa..dead. Man with black eyes killed him! Papa told me to call y-you" You say with a sniff as your voice trembles
"...I'm on my way little ladie.." The voice said sounding rather quiet before he hangs up the phone.

You put the phone back by the sink before sliding down the cupboard door under the sink with your head in your hands.

***20 Minutes Later***

A man with a baseball cap breaks down the door holding a shotgun in his hand.
"Was you the girl on the phone?" He looks down at you and you nod.
He sighs and picks you up.
"My name is Bobby, il be taking care of you for now on. I guess I'm like your new dad.." the man said to you.
He looks at you with kind eyes and you nod with another sob.

He carries you outside and places you in the front seat on his car and puts the seatbelt over you strapping you in.

He leans on the car for a few minutes before getting out his phone and calling the cops.
"Hello? Yes, id like to report a dead body. Oh yes my name? My name is.." Bobby hangs up the phone and gets Into the car.
"So what's your name Cheese?" Bobby says in a kind voice before turning the key to make the engine start.
You can't help the smile at the nickname he has given you "...Y-Y/N" You say with tear stains on your face.
"Well that's a pretty name, Cheese!" He said with a chuckle.
You giggle a little.

***1 HOUR LATER***

The car pulls up to what seems like a junk yard.
Bobby gets out the car and opens your door. You climb out of the car and hold his hand as you both make your way up to a house.
"This will be your new home!" Bobby said with a sigh
"It looks very fun to play in!" You say excitedly
"Well it sure is! Come on! It's late and time for bed!" Bobby leads you inside and up the stairs to a spare room with blue walls and a queen size bed.
Bobby throws you into the bed and tucks you in.
"Goodnight Cheese, don't let the bed bugs bite!" Bobby said turning of the light and closing the door.
You hear him walk down the steps.
You close your eyes thinking about bunnys trying not to think of your father. You slowly start to drift away to sleep and let darkness consume you.

Hey Guys! So I'm starting up this series until I can figure out what to write on 'Key For A Lock' yeahhh... anyway this is the first part to this fiction! OoOoOo~!
Love yall!!
939 Words

Dean X Reader: Dear Old Choices (DOC) (Might be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now