Part 13: A Plan To Go To Heaven

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"Your mother is an angel" Both the boys said at the same time.

I choke on my own air as i look at Sam and Dean. I start coughing and Sam and Dean look at me.

"AN ANGEL??!" I yell at them in disbelief.
"I know its out of the blue but yes. Your mother is the angel Anna, We know her. We had to fight her one time but after that we was able to make peace with her" I hear a deep voice say with the sound of fluttering wings by the door.

"Castiel.. Is she still alive..?" I ask looking behind me and glaring at him.
"Yes. She is still alive, She's just in heaven prison" Replies Cas. He sits down on the bed next to me and he glares down at Sam and Dean.
"What she in for?" Said Dean with a chuckle.

I swear he's always wanted to say that or something, that dumbass..

"She had rebelled against heaven but got caught after I... I set something up and she got caught, She was taken to heaven for questioning on the whereabouts of her followers are, and also you. She gave in to the questioning about her followers, but she never, ever told the other angels where you were" Explained Castiel looking over at Me, he means me..
"...Do you regret getting her caught?" I ask looking over at him, forgetting the winchesters are in the room.

Castiel looks up, looking at me straight in the eyes. He's actually showing some emotions here.

"Yes. I very much do. I'm sorry Y/N" Said Cas, actually showing some regret in his eyes.

A smile starts to brew on my face whilst looking at him. "It's fine Castiel, but... I want to get her out of heaven jail" I look at Sam, Dean and Cas "Please?"

"Y/N, You do realise how dangerous it is going to heaven? Me and Dean can't go there or every cell in our body will die" Said Sam getting up and leaning against the desk.

"Then me and Cas will go, Im half angel so i should be able to get in" I say crossing my arms over my chest.
"No!" Said Dean like he was worried about me going up there.
"Why not, Dean?" I ask looking over at him.

"It's just.. Alright you can go, but i want you to stay next to Cas the entire time and i want you back within 6 hours" Said Dean slamming his beer onto the floor then walking away and out the room, down the hall.

"..." I look over at Sam "What was that about?"
Sam looks at me and frowns then focus a fake smile onto his face. "He's just overprotective. Your like his little sister" Said Sam with that dumb fake smile.

Little Sister..?
My body feels like it just hit the ground really hard, my heart feels like it was stabbed a thousand times with a silver knife. 'Sister' Why? Why did that word hurt me? Oh god... Please tell me i don't have 'feelings' for the older winchester boy.

A small tear rolled down my cheek and fell onto the floor, but all i could do was smile. Keep smiling. Your Fine.

"Y/N? Oh... Cas could you leave the room?" Said Sam looking over at the blue eyed angel, Castiel.
"My Apologies, Of course" And with that Castiel has vanished with the sound of his wings fluttering around.

"Y/N, When i said 'Little Sister' you started crying. The first thing that leads me to is you having feelings for my brother" Said the tall winchester boy, Sam. Crossing his long arms over his chest. "So, Do you?"

"Sam.. I don't even know myself. I don't know if i even have feelings for Dean, I don't even know if he cares about me as a sister. I don't even know if Bobby loves me anymore. I don't even know if he's okay!!?" I say pacing forwards and backwards, forwards and backwards, forwards and backwards.

"Alright.. Well, first we'll just focus on the task at hand. Getting you mother from Heaven" Said Sam picking up his beer from the desk. "It's going to take awhile to get ready though, getting the weapons. Getting a plan set. Y/N, you know this could even be a suicide mission for you to go up there"

All i can do is sigh at this moment and feel sorry for myself.. So let's not do that.
"I know Sam, But shes my mother, i have one happy memory from when i was one, before she left. So Let's Get Planning!!" I jump up in the air with a big punch. KAPOW.

"Alright... Let's get to work..." Said Sam walking out the room with the beer in his hand.

Awesommeee! Let's go save my mother from heaven! That might be the weirdest thing i've ever said.. (And wrote..) I wonder if Heaven is all pink and fluffy. OR! Cloudy and white! Oh this is going to be so fun!

I walk out the room and into the library seeing Dean sitting on the table and Sam reading a book. Not very surprised.

"What will we need for this then?" I ask leaning against the arch of the door.

"Well, If your going up to heaven, you're gonna need angel blades" Said Dean sipping on his drink.

"Yes. As soon as the angels find out a nephilim is in the holy heavens they will hunt us down and try to end you as soon as possible" Said the angel in a trenchcoat.

"Right... Well we'll get the angel blades, were gonna need holy oil as well." Said Sam putting his book down onto the table upside down staying on the page he was on.
Dean raised his bottle up in agreement to his younger brother, Sam.
"I think we have some of that stuff in the storage room, If not. Cas can go find some?" Dean said putting his bottle down and walking out the room. After a few minutes Dean comes back in the room "Nope. None left, Cas can you get some?"

"Uh.. Of course. I'll be back" And with that Cas was gone, yet again. He'll be back in about 20 minutes though.

"Well. Let go save an angel from the heavens. And that might just be one of the most ironic things iv ever said"

DUN DUN DUNNNN!! Sooo, Your a nephilim, eh? Don't worry I won't tell anyone... hehehe.. but srly, who saw it coming? All of you? Thought so!.. man I gotta step up my game here... YEEEEEEE!
How did everyone feel when Dean went semi protective? Do you want to see more of protective Dean? Anyone want me to do more actual hunting chapters? Cuz I rlly gotta get on those hunts.

Well I love you all! 😘
1152 Words

Dean X Reader: Dear Old Choices (DOC) (Might be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now