Part 2: The Winchester Brothers

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***15 YEARS LATER***
You now 19 years old.

"CHEESE! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Bobby yells from downstairs.
"DAD! GEEZ OLD MAN IM COMING!" You yell back to him and run downstairs to him "What?" You say with a attitude.
"Y/N don't give me 'what' in that attitude!" Bobby sighs "I have a hunt for ya to do. It's a nest of vampires. I know vampires are your specialty so I won't need to tag along for this one" Bobby said in a nice calm tone as he puts his baseball cap on.
"Right! Awesome! But... anything on what killed my dad..?" I ask looking down at my feet.
"No... Sorry cheese. Nothing has came up since 9 years ago, sorry kid" Bobby said in an apologetic tone.
You shrug and take out your handgun and place it on the table. "do you have any dead mans blood?" I ask
"yeah it's over there kiddo" Bobby nods to me as he points over to a cupboard.
"thanks" I walk over and take the dead mans blood and dip some of my bullets in it the load my gun. "Il be gone for atleast three days, if you need anything feel free to call me." I say as I walk over to the door and wave over to him.
"Alright kiddo! Be careful or il have to shoot you!" Bobby said with a joking tone.
I chuckle and sigh then walk out the door and walk over to my car, before I get into the car I look around as I sense someone is watching. "Just my imagination" i say to myself before getting into my car and driving off.

***30 minutes later***
I drive about 30 minutes down the road going about 70 miles an hour.
I pull In to a motel and park my car perfectly. "What a beauty" I say to Myself with a chuckle and pay for a room. The man gives me the key to my bedroom "Thanks" I say to him.
I walk over to the room labeled '4' and unlock the door. I walk inside. The room smells like an old person that likes to eat fish a lot. Not! A nice smell...
I throw my bag onto the table and throw myself onto the bed with my hands behind my head. I smile looking at the ceiling before looking at the bathroom "Oh I feel like a little girl exploring a new house!" I say to myself before going into to bathroom and turn on the shower. Bingo! A warm shower, niiicccceeee!

I undress myself and step into the shower and start to wash my hair and body. I set my leg on the side and start to shave.

Blah blah blah.

**10 minutes later**

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my breast, it covers everything down to my knees.

I walk out of the bathroom and dig Into my bag for some clothes.
My phone rings "Really? Your gonna call now?" I sigh and walk over to my phone and answer it, i put it on my shoulder as I still look for some pijamas. "Yo?" I say Into the phone as I pull out some clothes.
"Hello! It's Dad! I was just checking up on ya? You okay cheese?" Bobby said threw the phone.
I chuckle "Yeah, I'm good! I was just getting changed before I get into bed" I say to him before putting the phone down onto the bed and put the phone on loud speaker.
"Your going to bed this early? It's only 11" Said Bobby.
"Yeah, im gonna go to the vamp nest tomorrow night, get some research in tomorrow. Sounds good?" I reply to him pulling some PJ shorts on along with putting a tank top on.

"Yeah sounds good to me! Anyway I'll let you sleep now Kiddo, night!" Said Bobby before he hangs up the phone.

I chuckle alittle "That man" I say to myself and put my phone on the desk beside the bed.
I get Into the bed and pull the covers over my shoulders and let the warmth relax me.

I think about what life would of been like if demons never existed.

I feel myself falling asleep and I let the darkness consume me as I drift to sleep.

***9:00 AM***

I wake up to the sun bursting In my room like freakin hell fire.

I slide out of the bed and over to my bag of clothes where I pull out a pair of blue jeans, a grey tank top and a red flannel.

Dean X Reader: Dear Old Choices (DOC) (Might be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now