Chapter 1

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   I take a step outside my house and close the front door behind me.

   I take a deep breath. It's early fall, and the crisp, cool air brings a slight chill to me, bringing a breeze that blows my bangs into my eyes. The leaves have just started to change color, so the whole neighborhood is in that kind of weird seasonal transition.

   Brushing my hair out of eyes, I continue down my sidewalk, and exit the front gate out into the street.

   Surprisingly, my best friend Sayori isn't right outside to greet me with a "Goooood morning (Y/N)!!!" like she usually does. We had been friends since we were children, and our daily walk to school had been a tradition we'd been pretty good at keeping up with.

   I look and see her front gate is already closed, so I guess she had already gone on. I had been getting onto her the previous day about her grades slipping due to her sleeping in class, so I guess she had gone ahead to make up for her lost work.

   "Good girl." I chuckle to myself. She was always a goof. Stuffing my hands into my coat pockets, I continue down the street.

   I continue, scanning ahead to the streets ahead. The sidewalks had become increasingly more speckled with couples and friends groups on their way to school as well.

   I scoff to myself. I never really had a "friend group" so to speak, I honestly was content just hanging with Sayori. She had enough personality for ten people, so it works out.

   I approach the front of the school, crossing the street and entering the courtyard.

   It's a rather large one, with half a dozen or so tables scattered throughout it. Blossom trees were also planted in many spots, with the leaves on a few of them already starting to fall down.

   I take a seat at my usual table, a short distance from the main hub of all my fellow students. Not that I'm anti-social, just that some people are waaay to loud in the morning. "Why must you all yell at each other? You literally saw each other yesterday.." I think to myself.

   However, something breaks me out of my thoughts. I glance across the courtyard to a small fountain that sits in one corner.

   There is a girl sitting on the edge, quietly reading a small, burgundy colored book to herself. She has long purple hair, with bangs that look like she pinned out of the way, probably to read more easily.

   It doesn't seem like she's alone though.

   A group of girls is standing a few yards from her, facing each other in a circle. They appear to be whispering to each other, all while sneaking glances in the purple-haired girl's way. She seems to look up from her book and notice, put pays them no mind.

   However, one of the taller girls from the group, who looked to be the "leader" approaches her. She stops about a foot of so away from the girl, and seems to be talking in sort of a sarcastic way to her. I focus my attention on them more.

   The purple-haired girl timidly looks up at the leader from her book, although doesn't say anything back, most likely hoping she would just go away. This seems to annoy the leader, who, after looking back at her group, snatches the book out of her hand. She holds it up to inspect it, before tossing it back to her group for them to inspect. The group of girls all snicker and mock the girl, all the the while she seems to just sit there, accepting what is happening while hiding her face in her hair.

   The book eventually makes it way back to the leader, who motions the book back to the purple-haired girl. She looks up, slowly and timidly reaching her hand up to take it back. The leader doesn't give her the chance however, tossing the book into the fountain beside the girl. All of her friend group erupt into laughter, mocking the girl and walking off together.

   The girl tries her best to reach into the fountain and retrieve her book. She grabs it and shakes it off, a look of hurt and embarrassment on her face.

   I can't believe what I had just witnessed. I stand up to go check on her, but just as I do the bell for the morning class loudly rings, sending all the students in the courtyard hurrying to their classes.

   I lose sight of the girl in all the commotion, and try my best to push my way through the crowds to reach the fountain, but to no avail. By the time I make it she is gone.

    I look around, but see no sign of her. I sigh, before heading off the class myself.





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