Chapter 4

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  Crying.. soft crying.
I hear it, somewhere in the empty void.
I look and look, but can't seem to find it's source.
"Please.. just stay away.. please..."
It sounds so familiar, but I can't seem to place it..
I call out, but get no response...
"I can't be helped.. ever..."
Between soft sobs, the voice fades..."

   I awaken with a jolt, sitting up in my bed, breathing heavily as I look around my room. Sweat drips down my brow, and my heart is beating out of my chest. It feels like I just ran a marathon.

   "What.. what was that about..?" I say to myself, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I swear that voice sounded familiar, but in usual dream-fashion, the details of it all were a bit fuzzy. Figuring how it was just a dream, which can't be helped, I drag myself out of bed and get ready for the day.

•  •  •

   After what feels like a groggy start, I step outside my door, closing and locking it behind me. A strong breeze almost takes my breath away from me instantly, and large swathes of leaves blanket the front yard.

  "Hm, I guess Fall is finally starting to kick in.." I say to myself, looking up at the sky.

   It had already turned into that dark, gloomy hue of gray that this time of year is so common, large clouds completely covering the sun, and I can't say it doesn't cast a mundane feel to each day. It's also pretty darn chilly, so bringing a coat is now a necessity.

  I cross my yard, stepping out onto the sidewalk and closing my gate behind me. I look over and notice that Sayori's gate is also already closed and locked. She must have once again gone on without me.

  I shrug to myself, glad that she's being responsible for once, but a bit lonely already from having to walk the way by myself. I shrug, and start on down the street.

   The wind blows more swathes of rust colored leaves across the sidewalk, making that small skittering sound that seems so familiar with Fall in an urban setting. It also whips the hood of my coat around my neck,and I pull it over my head. With Sayori not with me, I actually can hear my own thoughts, and they quickly drift to the Literature Club from yesterday. I'm honestly glad she had dragged me along to it, and all the girls seemed nice enough to be around.. not to mention they're all pretty cute. Not that I'd ever mention that to Sayori, of course.

   Yuri in particular comes to mind, and I lull over my encounter with her in particular. She seemed so.. dignified? I don't know if that's the word. An air of grace seemed to surround her when she spoke, especially when I brought up her favorite things. It kind of seemed she broke through her shy exterior when it happened.. although I don't exactly blame her for the shyness, I'm not exactly a great conversationalist.

  I round the sidewalk corner, crossing the street and entering the campus gate. Groups of students are already speckled across the courtyard, separated by their own distinct friend groups.

  I make my way through the masses of students, taking a seat at my usual table. I can see a pretty good distance across, an endless sea of adolescence. I see the jocks in their usual place, throwing a baseball back and forth, the photography club taking pictures of the falling blossoms from the tress, along with any students they deem interesting.

   I don't see any of the literature club though anywhere in the courtyard, I know Sayori is in her study class, Monika has her student council duties, and I remember  Natsuki mentioning she gets dropped of by her dad a little late usually...

  As if on cue though, I spot Yuri, far across from me.

  She's reading her same novel again, focusing intently on it. Despite all of the commotion from everyone around her, her focus on her reading seems completely unaffected. Strands of her deep purple hair fall down around her face as she turns the pages, and she brushes them right back into place with a smooth motion.

  I can't lie to myself, she's rather pretty. That air of grace and sophistication still radiates off of her like no tomorrow, taking me aback each time I try to talk with her. I think about going over and taking to her, although my bumbling words from yesterday stop me. The trees around Yuri would probably hold a better conversation with her than I could..

• • •

  A bad feeling comes over me in a wave, breaking me out of my thoughts. I look over Yuri's way, and it couldn't be a worse sight..

  The group of girls that gave Yuri hell yesterday are back, and they don't seem to be in any better of a mood. She's trying her best to ignore them like last time, but to no avail.

  "Well, say something!" The girl in the front says, who seems to be the ringleader once again. Yuri doesn't say anything or look up at her, she only cluthes her novel tightly, probably worried the same fate from last time would befall it.

  The girl in the front gets even closer to Yuri, trying to get her attention.

  "Um, hello? I'm talking to you."

  Still no response from Yuri, who seems to be shaking, although I can't tell. The other girls jeer and taught her as well, mimicking their leader.

  "Come on, you dumb bookworm. We saw you yesterday, talking out in front of the school to (Y/N). That your little boyfriend??"

Yuri tenses up, pulling her hair down to hide her face. My face instantly feels hot, and the leader's underlings erupt with laughter at her response.

  Yuri gets up from her seat, trying to shimmy past the leader in front of her and get anywhere else..

  The girl suddenly grabs Yuri, catching her by the front of her school jacket, along with some of her hair. Yuri let's out a small shriek of pain, trying her best to wiggle away.

  "Hey! Don't you ever think you can walk away from me, skank!"

  Something inside me just seems to snap.

  Go ahead, cry! Where's your little boyfriend (Y/N) to help you??"

The girl pushes Yuri down to the ground, her purple hair falling down over her face. Through it's strands I see streams of tears flowing down her face..

    That's it.

  I throw my backpack on, jumping out of my seat. I push through a group of students, starting to run. I've got to do something, anything, even if it's in vain..

• • •

  Right at that moment, in almost the same awful timing as before, the school bell rings. Every student in the courtyard seems to get up at once, all pushing and running in all directions towards the doors.


  I don't know what else to do, so I yell her name. I see her look up in my direction, before losing her in the massive swell of students. I try and push my way though to her, but it's useless. A teacher ushers me towards the opposite end of the courtyard doors, and I completely lose her...



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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