Chapter 2

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   "Wakey Wakey (Y/N)!!!"

   The yell nearly makes me jump out of my skin, the sound reverberating through my ears.

   "Whaa-!" I yell, falling back out of my seat and hitting the ground with a thud.

   "Hehe~, you're such a scaredy cat (Y/N)." I hear a cheery voice say from above me. Wiping my eyes, I look up to see just who scared me so bad, and I'm not surprised by who I see.

   I see Sayori standing above me, with a hand outstretched to help me up. She also has a big smile on her face, obvisiouly very pleased with how much she frightened me.

   I roll my eyes at her, trying my best to seem annoyed. Although deep down I know I never could be, she's to much of an innocent dork to ever actually be mad at. I take the help up from the floor.

   I also notice she caught me doing the exact thing I had been getting onto her recently about, but I decide not to mention it.

   "Jesus Sayori, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I say, standing up and brushing myself off.

   "Sorrry, ehehe." She responds, flashing me another smile.

   "There any reason you did that?" I add.

   "Well, I didn't see you out in the hallways like I usually do after class, so I came looking for you and found you in here all by yourself!" She explains.

   "By myself?" I say, looking around the room.

   She's right, the whole room is empty. I guess I had slept through the final bell and everything, given how it was my last class of the day. It was Math, so I'm not surprised it put me to sleep.

   "Well, it's a good thing you woke me up at least, even if it was in a Sayori-fashion." I say, slugging her playfully in the arm.

   She responds with the same punch. "Of course, after all you did promise to come with me today!" Sayori adds, motioning out the class door.

   "I did what now?" I respond, making a face of confusion.

   "Mmm, you didn't forget already did you? She furrows her brow, placing her hands on her hips and giving me the look she gives me whenever I messed up.

   I sigh, suddenly remembering what Sayori is talking about. I had indeed promised her a few days ago that I would tag along to her club. I myself had not joined any so far, so I didn't see any harm in coming along with her for a day.

   Not to mention she hadn't stopped begging me to come with her since she joined the club herself. Ya know, typical Sayori.

   "Umm yeah, of course I remember!" I say, giving her two thumbs up and trying my best to flash a dorky grin.

   Sayori rolls her eyes, trying her best not to acknowledge my sarcasm.

    "Ugh, come on you meanie."

    She tosses me my backpack, leading the way out of the classroom, and I follow.

   We walk down the corridors of the school, passing by a few of the other clubs that had been going for a while now. I had never really taken an interest in any of them, as deadlines and the politics they involved wasn't really my scene.

   Sayori skips happily ahead of me. "Ughhh, you're such a slowpoke!"

   I chuckle at her, since I've learned by now that I'm not match for her constant energy and can-do attitude. At least it keeps her in a good state of mind though.

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