Chapter 3

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I am completely taken aback.

It was her, the girl from the courtyard.

It takes me a second to collect myself, but I finally manage to stammer out a response.

"H-hi, I'm (Y/N). Pleasure."

She smiles shyly, pulling a strand of her hair down and playing with it between her fingers.

I'm still stuck on what to say, chuckling and rubbing the back of my head. Sayori, who seems to sense the awkward silence, interjects and saves me from my uneasiness.

"Great, now we all know each other! Welcome to the Literature Club (Y/N)!" Sayori beams at me.

"Thanks, glad I decided to come along."

"Yes! This is going to be the best club ever!" Monika exclaims, striking a pose.

"Hmph, I guess you'll be alright..." I hear from Natsuki, half mumbling.

I act like I don't hear her and look at Sayori, who winks. I can always rely on her to help out whenever I'm in a awkward situation.

The girls split off after our exchange, going back to their own respective activities. I take a seat in the closest desk, taking in my surroundings a bit.

I look and see Monika and Sayori already in the middle of a conversation, unpacking and moving supplies around as they do so. I see Sayori struggle to pick up a rather large box, collapsing on the floor almost immediately, putting on a pouty face. I can't help but grin, barely managing to stifle a chuckle. I see Monika walk over and cross her arms, looking down at Sayori with a face that says she's struggling not to laugh as well. I hear her sigh, before bending down to help Sayori with the box. Sayori instantly starts beaming, jumping back up to help. I smile, glad to see they are such good friends.

I look to the corner and see Natsuki disappear into the room's closet, rummaging around and categorizing what looks to be a large book collection. They're all a rather bright pink color, stylized and smaller then the other books on the shelves. I wonder what they could be?

I look a bit more and finally spot Yuri, who is over by the windows, cleaning the dust off of the shades with a small duster. The afternoon sun is cutting through the trees on the other side, casting abstract shadows on her and the club room beyond. I find myself looking on at her.. her movements seem to reflect her mannerism, soft and flowing.

I decide to leave Sayori and Monika to their talking, along with Natsuki and her books. I get up and walk toward Yuri, trying my best to formulate in my mind something to say to her.

I start to approach her, noticing that I'm rather nervous to talk to a girl that I had just met earlier.

"Strange..." I think to myself. I stop behind her.

"Hey Yuri.."

Yuri gasps loudly, tossing the duster up into the air in fright. It tumbles down the window sill, clattering on the floor below. She turns around to face me, and I instantly feel awful for frightening her.

"Crap, u-um, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"N-no, it's quite alright. It's my fault for being so easily frightened.." Yuri turns her face away, trying to hide it in her hair. "H-how embarrassing of me..."

"No no, it's my fault." I say, bending down and picking up the duster for her. "My bad."

I hand it back to her, trying my best to smile through my nervousness. She seems to be trying to do the same, shifting herself to face me and giving me a small smile. It's kind of reassuring.

True Feelings (DDLC Yuri X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now