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So i got to school today and guess who was waiting on me.

I know you're gonna say Roton and you're right!

It was Roton.

Yipiee.(Note the sarcasm)

Anyway he was actually there to give me my detention slip.(The teacher was tired of standing there every morning to give it to me.)He had detention too so I guess it  worked out.Anyway,we had the same class so he followed me.He was walking a little too close for comfort so i stabbed him.

In my mind!I'm not that violent!

Actually I threatened to stab him with The rook-hard fries from the canteen they call "food"

(But seriously i've choked on those things ..................................................TWICE!!!!!)

Roton didn't seem to understand how dangerous my threat was because he just laughed at me and called me a violent midget.

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