Break in

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"Is this normal?" I thought to myself as the piece of paper was put in front of me. I had returned to my usual hangout spot after classes, detention. Usually i was the only one who was there,well...except for Roton.Our supervisor usually ignored us and we served our time quietly.This time was different. He gave us some question papers and said that if we're here every day we might as well get some work done. I'm sure our disaproval showed on our faces because as he retreated to his desk he said : "If you can't do the time,don't do the crime." he laughed to himself as he sat down(well i guess he had to laugh to himself, we certainly weren't gonna encourage him).Roton gave the paper as much attention as a pampered cat to excercise. I used the paper but probably not in the way it was intended.

I make a mean paper plane if i do say so myself.

We were in there for about....i don't know....20 minutes? When i decided that paper planes were no longer interesting.My fellow inmate was fine though,he had found a comfortable spot and was asleep.His head was turned to me so i could see his face and i got a good look at him for the first time.

This is usually the part of the book where the female protagonist realizes how gorgeous the guy is and decides that she can't live without him,treating his presence like oxygen right?

Well Roton had...pretty average features

Don't get me wrong,he wasn't hideous,he just wasn't drop dead gorgeous. But he was very comforting to look at. (for whatever reason)

You know,the human body is amazing,it can mask a monster under the face of a sleeping angel.

Anyway, detention went by and it was time to leave,i woke up Roton,although i had this VERY strong urge to just leave him there and let him sleep her overnight(and maybe lock the door too for good measure.) But my concience won over and i woke him up.

His eyes opened after a few taps to the shoulder and cuff across the head. He swung his bag to his shoulder and left. "Your welcome i thought to myself.".

I got home safely and got into bed.It took me a while to get sleepy, I finally did and just as my eyes closed i heard a crash.They snapped back open. My initial thought was "burglar" my hand instinctively reached for my trusty bat and i made my way towards the sound.It was comming from my small kitchen i realised that my window wasn't broken like i initially thought, it was slightly open. My cupboard was open though and the meagere contents were spread across the floor.

Everything was still there though except for a can of bluefin tuna or as i liked to call it,my fancy tuna.(hey, the stuff's expensive) I checked the rest of my living space but nothing was amiss.

I couldn't sleep all night,i was scared that someone WAS in my house and i couldn't find them because they were very well hidden.

I just started to dose off when you guessed it,my alarm clock went off.

......note to self,buy another alarm clock

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