Crazy Little Thing Called...

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Charlize POV

"Char you still can't be upset!" Will said to me

"I'm not upset!"

"Look just because you can't be Bailey's maid of honor doesn't mean she doesn't love you" Kaycee said

Bailey about five days ago picked her sister Kylie to be her maid of honor and I was a little sad at first

"Yeah if anything you should blame Kenny, he chose his brother over any of the guys here so it persuaded Bailey to pick her sister to match him" Tahani said "Especially since both their siblings are already married so they have experience"

"Yeah so if anything we should be mad as well" Josh said as I sent a glare his way "Just saying"

"Hey just be happy we even made it here!" Gabe said "I mean how often do we get kidnapped to go to our best friends wedding?!"

I couldn't help but smile

I was there when Bailey found her dress and I had a feeling the wedding was going to be closer than anyone would have thought

So to keep the dress out of sight I kept it at my place so when Bailey came this morning to 'grab' her dress I was very surprised when she told me to change into my best dress and heels only to be later met in the car by an equally as confused KayHanAti and Jenna in dresses and heels

When we arrived at the church we saw the boys (Will, Sean, Josh P, Julian, and Gabe) as they explained what was going on as their situation was similar to ours

"Yeah you're right!" I said agreeing with Gabe's point

"Still wish I would have known beforehand though, I didn't even have a suit I had to borrow one of Sean's" Julian said as he was still trying to adjust the suit jacket that was a tad bit long on him

"Yeah I swear this suit was going to rip when I put it on, as I don't wear it often" Josh joked

"Oh so you've been hitting the gym?!" Will said

"Or he's been getting fat" Tahani said as we all went 😯

"I know you aren't talking big head!" Josh responded as we all again went 😮

"Guys no fighting today! Please! Today's special" Kaycee said getting between two

"Fine!" they both said

"So who's going to sit on who's side?" Tati asked

"Well we should split it 50/50" Jenna added

"Well obviously Char and Jenna should go on Bailey's" Sean said

"Yeah same with Gabe and Will on Kenneth's" Kaycee said

"We could just do boys with Kenny and girls with Bailey?" Tahani suggested

"Unless there's someone who wants to sit on the other side?" I said

"I don't know Kenny is like my brother but Bailey's like a little sister" Josh said which I can see others like Julian and Tahani having similar thoughts

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