Love is friendship set on fire

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Mid November 2025

Kaycee Pov

Me and Tati were getting ready to go out

I was invited to the park by Sean while Tati's attending her little brothers baseball game with her family

"You sure you don't want to join me Tahani? The family would love to see you" Tati said

"I'm good just gonna my enjoy Netflix" Tahani said

"You want to join me and Sean?" I suggested while they just looked at me as if I said something wrong

"Nah I don't want to ruin your date" Tahani said confusing me

"I don't think its a date"

"It's a date" Tati said as she heads out "bye girls!"

I grabbed my things and headed out as well it wasn't long to get to the park but finding Sean was quite difficult I went to this big tree with strangely no one around to rest in the shade until I felt two hands cover my eyes

"Guess who?!" I heard

"Julian?" I joked



"Guess again"


"No Kaycee" Sean said as he released his hands

"Haha I knew it was you" I said "What are we doing at the park?"

"Well I thought for our second date we should have a picnic" Sean said as a picnic basket appear out of nowhere

"So this is a date?" seems like Tati and Tahani were right

"Yeah of course unless you don't want it to be?" Sean said confused

"No no no I definitely want it" as I grabbed the basket "I didn't expect today to be a date day since Tati's with family and Tahani chilling at home" I said honestly

"Well let's get started" Sean said as he laid out the blanket and brought out the champagne with glasses "To a wonderful second date"

As we raised our glasses "And to many more" I cheered as we clicked glasses

Julian Pov

I got the text from Sean of letting me know where Tati was so I attempted to meet her there at the baseball field

It's kinda creepy but I'm trying to make it seem spontaneous

I get there and I don't see Tati or the family but I see Zen and he surprisingly seemed to recognize me as he waved and ran over

"What are you doing here Julian?" he asked

"I was in the area and decided to watch some baseball" I half lied

"Cool my parents and Tati should be here soon you should save them a seat" he said

"That's a good idea!"

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