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Stormie's Pov
When we entered pops there was a lot of people staring in our direction. I assume that it's the fact that someone they don't know walked in. I mean everyone knows Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones. They don't know me, at least I don't think so.

I walked in and sat on a stool at the bar. Betty and Jug sat at the back in a boot. Some girl with pink streaks in her hair sat three chairs down from me with a couple of guys. They were honestly very attractive. One of the guys had a serpent tattoo on his neck. They must be from the southside. The tattoo wasn't the only thing that screamed 'I don't belong on this side of town', that I noticed. One other thing was their leather jackets with a giant serpent symbol on the back. I'm guessing that they know my dad and Jug.

I grabbed the menu in front of me and started to look through it. Pops came up to me with a smile. "Hey, Stormie. It's good to see you," He said. I knew that Pops was going to be the only one to remember me. Hell, I was constantly here after school, every day because I had no friends. As lonely as it sounds I did enjoy it.

"Yeah, you too. God, I missed this place." I said to him smiling back.

"Do you want your usual?" Pops asked.

"You still remember it?" I asked him. It wasn't a lot but still, I probably wouldn't remember it.

"Yes, three small shakes, one Strawberry, One vanilla and One chocolate. All added to one large cup and on Wednesday a slice of cheesecake," He said looking at me.

"Yeah that all seems about right," I said to him with a smile as he walked over to the shake machine. Pops serves the best food there is in general.

After our conversation, we had the three young serpents were staring at me. I could see them out of the corner of my eye. I turned and looked them and said, "You guys have a problem?" I asked staring directly at them.

"She's a feisty one," The shorter on said. The other two just nodded and smirked in agreement.

"Are you new to Riverdale?" The girl with pink hair asked.

"No, well kinda. I used to live here a long time ago," I said to them.

"Oh, okay," she said and finished with, "My names Toni Topaz, this is Sweetpea," she pointed to the tall boy with the serpent tattoo. He's really cute. "And this is Fangs Fogarty," Toni pointed to the shorter boy beside her.

"What's your name?" She asked me and I smirked. I know that the Jones' last name is quite known around here.

"My names Stormie-Night," I said to Toni and the other two boys. "Stormie-Night Jones, but you can call me Stormie," I calmly said to them with a little smirk.

Toni and the boys were honestly shocked. "Wait, are you related to Fp Jones," She said.

"Yeah, he's my dad," I said and it was like their mind was blown.

"Wait. So your the long-lost Jones," Fangs said.

"What?" I asked them. I have no idea what they are talking about.

"Yeah, the whole towns going to be surprised to know your back," Toni said. Sweetpea was just quiet. He just sat there not saying anything.

"So what have people been saying since I left?" I asked.

"So you weren't kidnapped?" Fangs asked me.

"No," I said laughing, "Are you serious," He nodded to what I said. "My grandma took me to Chicago because she didn't want me to grow up on the south side," I explained what happened to me to them.

"That explains so much," Fangs said. Wow, I can't believe people really thought that.

After that, we sat there an talked to each other for a little while. Pops brought me my shake. I practically moaned out loud when I took my first drink out of it. I haven't had one in so long.

Toni, Sweetpea, and fangs all ordered shakes too. We sat there for 30 minutes or so drinking our shakes and talking. I honestly feel my friendship with them is going to work out. I never thought I would become friends with someone in less than an hour of being in Riverdale.

When we were all done with the shakes I turned and asked them, "You guys mind showing me around? I'm sure the town hasn't changed that much." They all turned and looked at each other not really saying anything.

"Sure," they said at the same time.

"We don't have to go right now if you don't want to," I said to them with a smile.

"It's fine, we don't have anything else to do," Toni said.

I walked over to the booth that Jughead and Betty were at. "Hey, I'm going to go walk around town with a few people," I said to Jughead. I probably don't have to tell him but I just got back and I don't want him to worry about me.

"With who?" He asked me and I pointed over to where I was just sitting. Toni, Sweetpea, and Fangs just waved their hands at Jughead.

"Okay," was all he said. I walked back over to them.

"You guys want to go now?" I asked. We walked out but not before I said goodbye to Pops and Jughead.

"Why did you tell your brother where you were going?" Toni asked.

"I just didn't want him to worry or my dad later asking him where I was," I said to them.

"Oh, that makes sense," Fangs said.

"So where are we headed?" I asked them. I don't really remember much about where places are in town, besides how to get from the school to pops than to the trailer.

We stood in the parking lot so they can think of where we should go first.

I kinda really like this part.

Word count: 1012


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