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Stormie's Pov

Toni, the boys, and I were walking around town a bit. I had a great idea that we could do later tonight. "Hey, do you guys want to go to the drive-in and watch a movie?" I asked. They looked at me with sad faces. I am confused I don't see anything wrong with that.

"Do you want me to tell her?" Sweetpea said. Tell me what. What could they possibly want to tell me?

"Yeah you probably should," Fangs said.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well you see,"He said pausing for a few seconds and continued with "it got torn down."

"What!" I was shocked and mad. I grew up going there with my family.

"Yeah, the Lodges tore it down last year," Fangs said.

"Who are they?" I asked I had a lot of questions. The main one was definitely about them.

The three of them told me everything I needed to know that had happened in the years I was gone. I was pissed to hear about everything. I honestly hate the lodges and Archie Andrews now. (Sorry to all of the Archie fans out there but it's true he sucks) I don't care if he is or was my brother best friend. I don't like him.

Well, that just ruined my day. Hopefully, these three have thought of something to do for the day because I've got nothing. Other than finding Archie and unpacking.

"Besides showing me around I have nothing to do but unpacking and stuff but I don't what to do that. So what's the plan?" I asked them.

"We could show you the rest of the town then hang out at the Whyte Wyrm like we said earlier," Toni said. Oh, yeah I forgot about that and it doesn't seem like a bad idea.

"Yeah let's go," I said.

They showed me around the north side especially the school considering I now have to go there. Thanks to the Lodges and Archie.

One place lead to another and we eventually made it to the bar. I got to know the three of them a lot better. I learned more about them then I thought I was going to know. I guess they trust me considering they opened up a little to me.

Riverdale changed while I was gone, I don't like. It sucks that the town I once knew as a child isn't here anymore. It's not like there is much I can do about but stand with my brother and try to protect as much as I can.

"Hey, you okay?" Toni asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," I said and followed them into the bar.

There was a bunch of people staring at me. I didn't think that the bar was going to be this full. I feel like the whole southside is in here.

"Stormie? Is that you?" I heard someone say amongst the people in here. I suddenly saw my dad Fp come out of the crowd. I was happy to see him. I haven't seen him in so long. It feels great to see part of my family that I've missed.

"Yeah, Dad it's really me, " I said and he gave me a tight hug. I honestly missed his hugs. I heard some people clap and cheer us on. That was nice I guess. Seeing a father and daughter reunite again surely would make me cry.

We pulled away and he just stared at me. "Wow, you've grown a lot. Your not my little girl anymore," He said roughing up my hair on top. I quickly tried to fix it.

"Hey came sit down over here and I'll introduce you to everyone," He said and we walked over to his friends/family. Some I could recognize but the others I couldn't. I guess it really has been a while since I was last here.

Dad got me something to drink a non-alcoholic beverage. Obviously, he would give me one that contains alcohol. Even if I were to ask for one I highly doubt I would even get it. I wasn't going to ask anyway. I'll just stick with the soda he got for me.

After a while of joking around with dads friends, Jughead came in by himself. He went to talk to Toni and the boys, Sweetpea, and Fangs. I noticed that when he was talking to them he was pointing and looking over at me.

I walked over to them, they stopped talking when I got there. I wonder what they were saying. "So what are you guys talking about?" I asked knowing that they were obviously talking about me.

Jughead was the one to speak, "Nothing," He said looking at the other three make sure that they weren't going to say anything. It's going to bother me for the rest of my life but I will leave it alone for now.

"Stormie, its getting late. Let's go home." Jughead said and I know that he is right. I spent my whole day hanging out with Toni, Fangs, and Sweetpea. Plus I am very tired from being on the plane for three hours this morning. I also forgot that I do have to unpack all of my stuff and that will take a while because I procrastinate a lot.

I followed Jughead out to his motorcycle. I'm going to guess Betty dropped him off at the trailer and he got his bike. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

"Are we taking that home?" I asked completely scared because I've never been on a motorcycle. I've thought about it before but chickened out every time.

"Yeah, you have a problem with it," He said and I do. I have a major problem with it.

"Yes, I've never been on one before," I said to him still nervous and scared.

"Stormie you'll be fine," he said to reassure me which didn't work. I was still scared but I will get over it.

"Oh yeah, sure I will," I say.

"Well you are a Jones so you better get used to it," Jughead said.

"Where do I sit?" I asked but I truly wasn't sure.

"Right here," he said as he got on and pointed behind him. "Now if your that scared just hold on to my waist," He said which did help a little.

I got on and we took off. Luckily the trailer park isn't too far from the Whyte Wyrm. So it wasn't that bad. I am still scared of falling off of it. That ride didn't change my mind on how I feel about them.

What do you guys think?

Word count: 1119


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