Hearing Through Sleeping Ears

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  Castle Lucitor was a sight to behold. If the hellish moat of lava wasn't enough of a testimony to its mistress's power then the walls and ceiling of netherrite will seal the lips of any doubters. Star, Marco and Kelly walked through the portal to the palace's courtyard and the boy turned to close off the swirling rift.

  "Wrathmelior is going to be furious with you. Going off away from the designated area where people are supposed to watch the Soulrise. If she doesn't kill you then pray thanks to whatever deity you believe in." Star monologued not allowing either of them to contradict her.

  Marco and Kelly listened... more or less, to Star's ranting knowing that Wrathmelior wouldn't be as volcanic as she made her out to be. Kelly finally nudged Marco and began making hand symbols to him.

  Confused, Marco simply shrugged and hoped that Kelly would try to explain it differently. The girl pointed to a hallway that veered away to another room.

  Grabbing Marco's hand, Kelly dashed down the hall as Star marched on towards the throne room, continuously ranting. Marco supressed a laugh that might've gotten them caught and then followed a torch-wielding Kelly to the room at the end of the hall.

  Marco, not wanting to look like a coward, opened the door first. The dark room was illuminated by Kelly's torch. "Look, Marco. There are candles on the wall."

  Turning to a holster on the wall, Marco grabbed the candle, lit it with Kelly's torch and replaced it. "Let's light all of them." He proposed. The two went around the room igniting all the candles as they went. When they finished the two turned to the room to observe.

  The room was a deep red with little decor. The drapes were jet black and covered the windows that were clasped in the middle. What surprised them was the.... bed!

  Kelly wasted little time. "Come over here Marco. I'm tired and I'm afraid of being alone." Well, part of that was true. Marco was dragged over to the bed and face planted into a plush pillow with a velvety cover. Kelly rolled around as she buried herself in the sheets. Marco blushed. (Unpredictable)

  "Come on, Marco. I'm tired. Sleep with me. Pleaaaaaaaase?" Kelly yawned.

  Marco only predicted the worst things happening. "What if we're caught? This will look really weird, Kelly."

  "Ugggh. Just lay down. You'll be asleep before.. you..." Kelly unleashed a deep, hollow yawn and then fell limp, obviously asleep.

  Marco decided he would stay, just so Kelly wouldn't have to worry about being alone. But he wouldn't fall asleep. But, could he help that?

  The sheets cut off all cool air that could freeze him awake. The soothing, velvety surface of the pillow lulled his head into calmness. Kelly's inviting warmth, trapped alongside his under the vast red sheets, enticed his body into comfort. Unwillingly, he fell asleep next to a blushing, half-awake, dreamy girl.


   He awoke to nothing. He saw, felt, and smelled nothing. But, then he heard something. A hollow voice. Buried in a soil blacker than the deepest oceanic depths. The sound was so faint as to be the distant waves of a demon-siren's song. Agonisingly familiar, the voice edged closer. Still, no light. Marco then realized the strange truth. He wasn't moving towards the sound, it was coming to him.

  The thought of a demon-siren entered his mind again. What if the attractive sound was one of those creatures. Legends rang through the Underrealm that the demon-sirens were so powerful that even Wrathmelior Lucitor had a small fear of them. And the mere thought of the terrible things they did to their prey was enough to turn any innocent mind inside out.

  Marco was relieved to recognize the voice, if only for a small moment. He then thought to himself, "They take the form of friends or close ones." The boy wanted to turn. He wanted to run away. He tried to twist. He tried to wriggle. Nothing he could do was physically possible, except crying. His eyes watered up against his will and began to choke his sight. He finally gave up. He could do nothing.

   Kelly appeared out of the dark backdrop. She was donning a bright blue long dress and her rich hair was tied into a braid. She was singing. She was the mesmerizing, outlandish voice that vocalized the heaven-sent melody. Almost as soon as she appeared, however, she stopped singing and fixated her eyes on Marco. The two stood, lost in eachother for a time, and then there was light. Soon, that light blossomed into a whole field. Spreading from horizon to horizon, the field was magnificent and inviting. Suddenly, Marco felt a soft brush that covered all of his back. He looked behind himself. Grass? He looked up and saw Kelly slnking up his torso, and taking his shirt up with her. "Bonne chance, Marco Diaz. Laisse-nous jouer."

  French? Marco was immediately confused. But he was ultimately overpowered by a deep and sudden feeling. He lunged forth and reversed the situation. Kelly was now below him, with him pinning her to the ground. "Allez, tigre. Tomber avec moi."

   Marco was beginning to feel something. Something primal, powerful, enveloping and terrible. He finally managed to regain thought. Only for a second did he need to. Then the truth opened up. The field set aflame. The trees turned into black columns. The grass melted into lava. The sky turned into a blackened, ashy haze. Marco looked back at Kelly and nearly froze at the sight.

   Kelly's dress was torn and tattered, gash marks slaughtered her body, her hair was bedraggled and browned, her mouth streamed blood down her chin, and her eyes were black voids. Marco screamed as loud as he could in terror, but his were drowned out by agonized moaning and panicked shrieks of fright.

  Marco then began to change. He lost control of all thought. He gazed at the black figures that began to close in on him, and he growled.... inhumanly. Whatever that noise was, it did not come from himan vocal chords. The boy looked down. His hoodie, shirt, pants and underwear were tattered on the floor. Then rage swallowed him and he lunged at the figures. Some of them he recognized to be similar like Rasticore, Miss Heinous's bounty hunter, or... no... not him!

   Marco saw a small green glow appear from the creature's hand. The boy was then flung through the air and against a wall.  "Auxilio eris mihi in reditu. Cum dormiente audieris audes mortuorum vigilare oculis disperdam totum."

  There was the strain of muscle, the tearing of flesh, the cracking of bone and then nothing.


   Marco jumped up, suddenly frightened. Kelly lay asleep next to him. He was almost on top of her. He didn't mind though. He even reached his arm out, put it around her and scooted her closer. Marco instantly lost all fear, and began to fall back asleep.

   Sorry for the dark chapter. I just wanted to hint at what we're up against in the future. Everything will work itself out, I promise. Also, I want to apologize for the painfully long wait I put you guys through. But, school has been murder on my time. So sorry for that. But, hey. I hope you guys enjoyed this and will stay tuned for another part of In Defense Against Despair. Byee!

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