Secrets of Septarsis

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Before I begin, I just want to say I am so, incredibly sorry for the long waits I put you all through. I have a terrible disease called laziness that persists to cause me trouble. I know that's not a good excuse but I really am sorry. But, enough words. Here is the next chapter you were hopefully waiting for.

   Shortly after the Septarian woman explained her identity the whole group was caught in a frozen position, surprised by the fact that this relatively small creature was the great and terrible Toffee's sister. The silence remained unbroken for a long time. Tom finally blinked himself out of his trance and asked dumbfoundedly, "Wait, huh?"

   The Septarian woman, who was apparently Bonbon Banesear, chuckled again. "What? Were you expecting me to be hard to find or something?"

   Marco joined the conversation now. "Well, yes. Actually we were. A high ranking person like you..."

   "High ranking?" Bonbon began to laugh. "My dear, my last name doesn't say anything to my rank. I don't even have a position on the Grand Council. I only attend their meetings to be a transcribe."

   The group was taken aback by this. "Wait. Then why do you speak so highly of your house name?" Marco questioned her.

   Bonbon chuckled again at Marco. This time though, her answer was interrupted by an impatient Tom. "Stop beating around the bush, woman! The bottom line is we need your help deciphering something, qnd you are the only one who can do it!"

   Bonbon stopped laughing when she noticed Tom's unstable mood. "A demon being, eh? Been a long time since I last saw one of your... kin," Bonbon nearly seemed to gag the last word out without spitting. This nearly set Tom off before Star put her hand on his wrist to calm him down.

   "Tom. This is important. Please, be careful. For me?" Star put a finger on her bottom lip and made a pleading face.

   Tom turned and growled at the Septarian and then allowed Star's arms to comfort his anger. "Only for you."

   After Star gave a thumb's up to signal Tom's (slightly) calmed change, Marco continued to interrogate Bonbon. "So, what is it you know about prophecies?"

   "All sorts of things, dear boy," she licked her lips suggestively as she said the "dear boy" part. "I know all things that all oracles know. Granted, to you, that may not be much but prophecies unfold. They expand."

   Kelly took a turn, "Then what is this we hear about your brother returning to this life?"

   Bonbon didn't answer at first and then began reciting something that sounded akin to a poem.

"To call the light the Heavens trace
From greatest lengths of sky and space
Now call the spirits to awaken
Steal back that from me was taken
To precious stars I give my time
To reverse my enemy's horrid crime
Give to me now thy greatest gift
And let the spirit of my fallen lift."

   A confused Marco, Kelly, Tom, and Star stood in front of the Septarian. "What the hell was that?" Marco asked incredulously.

   Bonbon sighed. "The counterspell. Only one thing could have killed T... Toff-Toff." Star had to cup her mouth to avoid laughing. "Toff-Toff was my eldest brother and he did great things. Terrible things, I won't deny. But they were great. Only a very certain Mewman spell could have killed him. One created by the Butterfly Clan's lineage!" Bonbon seemed to grow upset at the mention of Star's family. "The spell I just recited was a counter. Or, it was meant to be. It never works. Supposedly, someone will bring my brother back to me. Though, how I don't know."

   Kelly asked another question. "We understand, but can you help us? We have business with Toffee." Marco was shocked at first. Had Kelly gone crazy and merely decided to help Toffee. No. Marco finally understood.

   Bonbon chuckled. "I can help you. My library is the most extensive in this domain. My librarian Araña can find any book."

   Tom cringed suddenly. "Araña? Like... a sp-sp-spiiiiider?"

   Star looked towards Tom, who had a frightened face on. "Not a big fan of spiders?"

   "NO! And Araña was The Contessa's name!"

   Star's eyes widened now. The Contessa was a terrible spider woman who lived in Hekapoo's dimension. Marco had fought her on his quest for dimension  scissors. Tom knew of her through his mother who had to fight her for dominance over the Underworld's area that became known as Beelzebub's River. After The Contessa was defeated, she retreated to a fortified bunker in Hekapoo's dimension.

   Bonbon knew why she recognized Tom. He was the child of the beast who "ruined her." "You are aware of Araña's... experience?"

   Tom shuddered. "Yes."

   "Worry not. Your "Contessa" has changed. Follow me. If you want to see my library, there is much to do."


   Viewing the conversation between Marco and his band with Bonbon through her omniorb, Hekapoo heard mention of The Contessa. That monster had attempted to invade her realm not too long ago. Hekapoo resented Araña. This fact was undeniably true. But, desperate times called for desperate measures. If she wanted her Marco to be out of Kelly's clutches then The Contessa was the closest thing to an ally that she could count on. There was no time to waste. She reached into her omniorb and projected her image before the spider woman who hlanced up, put down her book, and took her reading glasses off, unveiling her red eyes completely.

   The Contessa pointed a long, fair finger at Hekapoo. "Demon-witch who destroyed my home on Apar! The Burning Plains served me well until you shoved me away!"

   Hekapoo rolled her eyes, one of which was hiding under her bangs. "Araña. I know that you are not the type to give up a grudge, but I have a question for you. Do you need a decent meal?" Araña smiled. Perhaps the demon had changed hands.

There you have it. It's amazing what some free time in school can do. Sorry again, for the long wait. Now, until next time, au revoir my friends, and a fond farfarren.


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