Sleepless in Septarsis

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   Marco was scared of this. He didn't know what to do. Why had he just done that? First off, it confused him. Second, Wrathmelior was going to have his head mounted for denting her furniture. Maybe she wouldn't notice. He turned around to Kelly. "What else are you finding?"

   "This is interesting. Did you know that a frog monster named Ivan Bulgolyabof was the first one to join a resistance to stop the war between monsters and Mewmans?"

   "Bulgolyabof is Buff Frog's last na.... No, I meant with the dust symbol."

   "Oh, yeah. Well, there wasn't much more right off. However, I think we can travel to Septarsis, find where the Banesears live, and pay Bonbon a little visit."

   A chill ran its way along Marco's spine. It was one thing to fight an all powerful monster on Mewman soil and that alone was hard enough. This was a mighty being on her home turf. "I'm in."

   "Cool. I don't think we should go alone though." Marco nearly sighed audibly with relief. "We should bring a few other confidants along. I'm thinkin' Star and Tom?"

   "Yeah. Tom will be useful and if I bring Star she won't be on my back about adventuring without her again." Marco then put his hand over his chin in contemplative thought. "We should bring Hekapoo along. She will definitely be a good tag-on for a quick escape."

   Kelly snapped her fingers. "She could also open a portal straight there."


   "I cannot take you straight there."

   Star, Tom, Marco, and Kelly all stared disappointedly at the horned girl. "So much for that idea," Marco thought to himself.

   Star tapped her foot impatiently and puffed out her cheeks. "Why not?"

   Tom grabbed her arm. "Calm down, Star. I'm sure she has a good reason for not being able to take us to the one damned place in the entire universe that we need to go to!"

   Hekapoo raised her arms in defense. "Chill your majesty. One problem with my magic. I can't go to places that the Magic High Comission dares not trod and Septarsis happens to be one of them."

   Tom began to seethe. What lovely luck this was. The one and only place that they needed to go to and... *slap* "Ow, what the?"

   "You were twisting my arm." Star pouted.

   Tom wrapped his arms around her. "Oh, Star. I'm sorry." He gave her a teasing kiss over her hand.

   Star slapped him playfully on the back of the shoulder. "To-o-om stop. Didn't you notice the other people here?"

   "Who cares?"

   "We do," Kelly spoke in a bitter tone.
"Not everybody here is twitterpated like you two."

   Tom blew her off and placed one last kiss on Star's forehead. Then he decided to put a halt on his rampage.

   Kelly rolled her eyes. "So, we're walking?"

   "Not all they way. I can still take us partway," Hekapoo spoke hoping the others hadn't lost complete faith in her yet.

   Star suddenly lit up. "Yay!"

   Marco was trying not to talk much. Hekapoo had been snapping looks at him all the time since she arrived. Not dirty looks, but DIRTY looks. The kind of dirty look that implies something... unmentionable. After all the others had gone through the portal Marco stopped and looked at Hekapoo. "Is something up?"

   "No, why?" She said in a low voice.

   "Well... Are you still dating Talon?"

   "Hehehehe. No. I dumped him like the bad habit he was. I have my interests straight this time." She winked at him when she said this.

   Marco was unsettled at this. He decided to drop it and step through the portal.

   To save you the trouble not much happened for the rest of the day. That night, though, they set up camp not too far from their destination. Marco however.... well, let's just say he was somewhat sleepless in Septarsis.

   Kelly walked out of her tent and noticed Marco sitting on the nearby roll of land. "Hey hey, buddy."

   Marco gasped as she approached. "Oh. Hi, Kels. What are you doing up so late?"

   "The book I'm reading got boring. The guy is starting to show signs of liking the girl, like digging his nails into chairs, and some other chick who thinks she's hot stuff suddenly decides she likes him, too. But enough about that. What are you doing up?"

   Marco waited until she sat down. "Hekapoo freaked me out today. She keeps giving me this look that seems minorly suggestive."

   Kelly seemed to cringe at this. "Oh, really?" She turned away.

   "I mean, I think she is very pretty."

   Kelly's eyes widened as Marco said this.

   "But, she doesn't seem to understand what I'm looking for in a girl."

   At this, Kelly somewhat lightened up. "You need something to take your mind off your troubles?"

   Marco nodded in return.

   Kelly tapped her chin a few times. "Wait here." The girl then turned around and walked back to her tent. She returned a few moments later with two glasses and a large wine bottle.

   "What is that?"

   Kelly gave him a glass and showed him the label. "Midnight Solace. A soothing wine used to ease the nerves. Want a bit?"

   Back on Earth drinking at their age would be illagal. Good thing they were on Mewni. "Sure."

   Marco received his glass and took a sip, red wine tang smothering his tongue. Kelly enjoyed a glass for herself and true to her word, Marco was calmed down to the point of tiredness within minutes. "Marco, I'mma head off to bed. See you in the morning."

   Marco waved her off and watched her fade inside her tent. He stayed out for a while longer and enjoyed the night air which around him was now filled with Kelly's scent. Of course though, he still eventually travelled to his tent.


   Hekapoo zipped her tent. Why was Kelly out there with Marco? Worse yet, why were they sharing wine, especially Midnight Solace?

   If Marco wouldn't care about her like she cared about him, she would make him.

   Hekapoo opened a portal back to her world. She stepped through. She closed it behind her.

Guys. I am so sorry for the delay. I had a lot of school stuff to deal with, I was sick some last week, and I was writing another story.

On that note, I would like it if you guys checked out my newest story. It's the Gravity Falls one I've mentioned off and on recently. Hope you'll enjoy more of this one and check out "Blood Will Stain Her Claws."

Au revoir, mon amis.

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