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I was seated in the back in between Sam and Colby. From the minute I stepped in the car I realised I was the only girl. It didn't bother me but I knew that most of these people had girlfriends, why was I the only one that showed up, I mean I am not any of these dude's girl but is this place really that bad? It felt like we were driving for hours and I started to feel my eyelids closing, without thinking I rested my head on Colby's shoulder. I breathed in the amazing generic manly scent that just smelt 100 times better on him and let my mind drift off to sleep. I only awoke when we hit a sped bump making me jerk up. Again, just like when I entered the car all eyes were on me. But this time it wasn't in an "invader" kind of way, more like a "Awwww, cute" kind of way. I didn't understand until I saw Colby looking out the window smiling. Shit, shit, shit. I just blew all my chances with him. What the fuck was I thinking.

---Colby's POV---

She awoke when Elton hit a speed bump. I was kind of pissed at him, she was so cute when sleeping and he had to just fuck it up. Everyone looked at her and I could tell she was confused. I just looked out the window and smiled she slept like and angel, no snoring, no wriggling, nothing that would make it uncomfortable. She was perfect. But I knew I never had a shot with her, not with the other guys around. The only person I could trust was Sam, and maybe Corey but he hadn't really been talking to Devon so I didn't know. Ugh, I wish that I had never left that stupid camera but at the same time I am really glad I did. It single headedly brought me the possible love of my life and I can't thank it more. Shut up Colby, you have only known her a day. Stop getting ahead of yourself.

---(Y/N) POV---

The rest of the car ride was silent. There was some whispering every now and then, and I swore it was about me but ignored it and carried on just staring at the floor of the car. I couldn't stop thinking about how stupid I looked in front of all my idols, I wanted to cry in embarrassment but that would just make it worse so I fought back the tears and kept a neutral expression on my face. Everything is going to be fine, they don't hate you, you aren't a complete idiot. I kept repeating it but it didn't help.

Finally, after what seemed like years of driving the car halted to a stop and Elton said "Welcome to hell." I immediately felt regret as I saw where we were. "This really is hell" I commented. Colby shot me a look of concern and I quickly said "I mean; I have been here but you can get chased out by homeless people or get shot at. It really is hell." Colby's expression didn't change and he walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. Just feeling him touch me sent shivers down my spine. "(Y/N), if you want to go home I will gladly drive you back. You don't have to be here." It was nice to hear that he cared for me but I just retorted with "Nah, its fine, I mean you only live once, where's the fun in chickening out." His expression finally changed to somewhat relaxed look. He then turned away and walked back to the group. I felt hurt that he walked away but it faded quick as I realised I was a no body to him, he had only been talking to me for about 24 hours, there was no way that he thought of me more than a friend, if I was even classified as a friend. I snapped out of my mini conflict with myself and quickly perused him and saw everyone doing their intros. I took out my camera and introduced myself "Hey everyone, how you doing, it's ya girl (Y/N) back at ya with a new video. Today I will be exploring with the most amazing group. Say hi everyone." in unison they all said hi happily "Hiiiiiiiiiii." 

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