a normal day here

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Author and Ren’s pov

It's a normal day here at home. My oldest brother Haru won't stop hugging and kissing me. Aki is complaining that Haru won't spend time with him. Shima is studying for a mid term test. He seems stressed. I hope he does good. I push Haru off me and go over to Shima.

“Awe baby Ren, whats wrong? Are you sad your still small? I'll still love you!” Haru says in a childish voice.

“It's not that. I love you too. No matter how many times you remind me of my height.”Ren replies.

Ren sits down next to Shima. “What are you stressing about? Your very smart. This test will be a walk in the park for you.” Ren says to Shima.

“Thank you for that Ren, but I had to help Aki over here with his homework since he didn't want to learn our class assignments. So I haven't been able to learn the lesson our teacher has taught.”

“Hey! If the lessons weren't so hard I would be smart like you! And besides don't worry about me. You want to go to college right? I just want to pass and eat all the beef I can.” Aki says.

“If you only care about beef so much,no girl will find you attractive. Shima can get girls any time because he will do great. Ren won't have to worry about girls because he has no sexual preference and-” Ren immediately runs towards Haru and hits him right in the face with his killer left hook.

“Owww! Ren I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! I was going to say you have no sexual preference because you have me and I have you! And if you want me to shut up, how about kissing me~ instead of punching me? My face will be destroyed if you keep hurting me!” Haru says.

“I won't hurt you if you don't insult me like that! And besides if I kissed you instead of punching, you would take it too far. You kiss me every time you want and sometimes in public too!” Ren says.

“So that's what you do to our youngest brother when we aren't here huh? I guess we have to discipline our oldest brother again.” Shima says in a scary voice.

“ Wahh! So scaryyy! Ren, Aki protect mee please!” Haru cries.

“ First of all, I can get a girl. Second of all, I'm gonna let Shima do what he wants because you called me stupid and third of all, I'm gonna go get beef and ramen noodles from the convenience store and I'm taking Ren with me for insulting him and so you can deal with Shima on your own.Come on Ren lets-” Haru grabs Ren from Aki.

“Oh your not leaving me Ren~. I won't let you leave me because I'll miss you and you're my only guard from Shima.”

“You know what? I'll go with Aki to the convenience store for an hour or so. Oh and I'm only doing this so Aki won't buy every packet of meat and Ren can do far worse than I can because he is your brother lover. So he can do more damage to you. And plus I need a break from my studies.” Shima says. Aki and Shima walk out the front door saying

“Have fun and do what you want Ren!” The twins both say and leave.

“Um you won't hurt me right Ren? Please don't you're too cute to hurt your oldest brother right?”

Haru asks nervously.

“No I won't hurt you. I have to do homework anyway and also-” Ren kisses Haru’s soft lips and says“I love you too much to hurt you badly.”

Haru stays in his place from shock of Ren kissing him.

“Oh Ren you're so cute! Thank you,but don't kiss me like that so suddenly or I'll get riled up and I won't be able to contain myself from touching you~” Haru replies.

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