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Author here! Sorry I'm posting late! I was at a student council dance and boy did I dance. Like a lot...If you saw me, you would be able to say I was literally jumping,shaking and singing. I was so energetic that now I'm totes tired, sooo writing Yaoi. Yayyyyy. Onto the story!

Ren's pov

As soon as he let go I ran away to get to the jungle gym before him. I can't let someone else touch me. I don't want anyone to touch me. I only want Haru. I kept thinking about Haru and then I got to the jungle gym water pool. T-this looks hard. How am I supposed to jump in water to a pole and dive up to catch it?! Nah I'm gonna fail, but at least I have Lunar to help me. Thank God she won her section. Wait how can she help me anyway? She can't do the whole thing for me, but I guess she'll help me when I need it so I suppose it's okay. I walk over to the starting point and watch as Lunar walks over to my side.

“Hey if you're nervous, I'm here to help. Teammates take teamwork!” Lunar said seeing as how sweaty I am. Thanks Lunar.

“Oh okay! Thanks teammate!” I said a bit more confident.

“No problem! I'm here and so is the rest of the team! We can make it!” Lunar said happily.

Oh yea. The rest of my team… Including Koujaku.. Should I tell her what happened?... No.. I can't ruin this with my complaints of him. I don't want to be a party foul. So I'll keep it to myself.

“Yeah we can do this!” I said trying to hide the embarrassment behind my voice.

“It's a nice day- to have ourselves a jungle gym water pool race! The three students who won the last race are now side by side of this race’s students. The racers have to make it through water leaps, bubble shower, and bath boom to make it to the end. Don't worry we've tested all of this and no injuries have occurred. Now start the race in five, four, three, two, one. GO GO GO!” The teacher yelled to everyone.

I dash off with Lunar by my side. I can see other students running, but I'm faster. Now I have to make it to water leaps. What's that?!

“Jump! Now!” Lunar warned me.

“Wha-whoa!” I responded as I fell in water. She picked me up and ran with me.

“Jump over the water puddles! They're really slippery! Oh that's why they're called water leaps.” Lunar says calmly.

“Yea. Thanks!” I said running. Okay just a few more feet and then onto the next one!

*Le Timeskip of eight minutes *

Okay we just started in bubble shower. Lunar is kinda breathing heavily.

“Yo take a break. Okay? Don't push yourself!” I yelled worried of my teammate.

“Really? Thanks! I'll be of help later!” Lunar spoke behind her breathing and headed over to the side.

Okay up to me. I see why it's bubble shower. There is a field of bubbles blocking my view. We have to run through that?!.. Here goes. I run faster closing my eyes and mouth to not ingest any bubbles. I feel a bit tickled by the popping of bubbles. I reach my hands out to feel more bubbles. How much did they put?!

*Twenty-six feet of running and… *

I made it! The field of bubbles need and I take a moment break to see Lunar running towards me all energetic. Great! Back on track!

“Go go go!” I said to Lunar.

“Got it!” Lunar says with determination.

We run to get to bath boom. I can see small kiddie pools filled with water. What happens if we step on one?

“Lunar test a boom!” I said to send Lunar out.

“Okay, but why?!” She responds running through a pool.

Oh no! She fell. I suppose the boom was falling over. I rush over to thank her and help her up. She signals to run and I follow.

I think we can make it! I only see the finish point and then I felt water. Everything went black and blue….

*Random timeskip*

Huh? W-where am I?! Where's the water and the field and my team? I look closely and realize I'm in the infirmary. I call out to Lunar, but only get a response of a males voice. I-oh it's Koujaku's. Please tell me there's other people here.

“Hey cutes. Your up! You were asleep for thirty minutes. I was getting worried.” Koujaku cooed softly making me feel sleepy.

“Yea I woke up, but what happened?” I said ignoring the fact that this guy grabbed my body.

“Oh. You were so close to finishing that you forgot there was kiddy pools everywhere. You fell and slipped on your head.” he responded while walking towards me.

“Oh. Was I about to be first place?” I questioned.

“So close, but you fell! Now how's your head?” he said putting a hand near my chin to hold it.

“I still feel pain actually.” I said wanting to get rid of the pain.

“Oh well I have your medicine, but you have to kiss me for it.” he said smirking.

Nah I'm not kissing him. I'd rather not betray Haru. Oh actually. “Hey did you call my guardian?” I said avoiding eye contact.

“I did. He's on his way, but in the meantime -”He said before lifting my head to face him.

“Can I have that kiss now?” he said overly confident.

“N-no! I don't want to!” I said while hiding under the sheets.

“Come on out sweet boy! You can't hide forever. I'll get that kiss before you leave!” he responded while tugging at me.

Come on Haru where are you?!

Haru’s pov

I got a call from the school saying Ren fell unconscious. I'm only two minutes from the school. I hope Rens okay! I don't want to see him hurt. I drive my car faster to reach the school quickly. I see the building approaching and then I get more worried of Ren has even woken up yet. I get to the school, park the car and rush to the infirmary.

Ren's pov

Im struggling with Koujaku to get off me. He uncovered the sheets and now is trying to hold my face… I'm tired. I can't resist for long. I hope Haru gets here now.

“Ren. I'm going to make you mine!” Koujaku says before placing his warm lips on mine. I-i let someone else kiss me! I try to pull away, but he just continues the kiss and gets on top of me trying to go further. Until I heard the door open and hear

“Get off my Ren now! He's mine!” it's Haru!

I can feel Koujaku being pulled off me and thrown down. Then I feel Haru hugging me tight.

Author here! I'll continue this tomorrow. I'm tired. Love y'all. Sorry if you hate it! Btw Das a alpaca at top.

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