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Haru's pov 

Only some people were in the cafe today but this one lady asked if we knew someone named Kanievie. I think that's their last name. I'm pretty sure that's the kid who tried to get 'comfortable' with Ren. I go back to the cafe and the lady's still there. Grabbing another set of tea, I walk over to her. 

"Hello ma'am! I was wondering if we could still have tea? I would hate to be rude." I smile and ask politely.

"Of course silly! Although you're far from rude. Have a seat!" She's nice about accepting.

I pour us both green tea and take a sip before asking,"So about your question, his name was Kanievie? Is there something about him you'd like to ask?"

"Well, he's been talking about a Rene Kaido? I heard from a friend that Kaido's run a wonderful cafe, so I thought it was the same. My apologies if I was wrong of course!" 

"Oh! No you're in the right actually. I do have a brother named Kaido, Ren. So Koujaku is your brother?" I ask.

"Yeah he is. How did you know his name?" she asked concerned.

"Oh, my brother tells me about him too! I heard he's a good kid. Did he do something?" I messed up asking. 

"Oh! I'm glad to hear that. He's always off to go be with friends, it's like I hardly know him. Are they dating?" she asks out of the blue. 

"What?" is the only thing I can say. 

"Yeah? Everytime we hear something about Kaido, it's always something cute. "He's so adorable" "He's so smart" and sweet things like that." She thinks they're dating.

Without thinking I blurt out," Sorry, but they're not together. He might have a crush on Ren, but he's not dating anyone."

"Oh.. Well what about you? Do you have someone?" she asks, a bit impatient.

"Yeah.. I do. I'm so sorry if I upset you, but I do." at least I'm honest. 

"Oh, okay. Well thank you for sitting down for tea, but I must leave now. I'll be late for a class. My apology for the misunderstanding." She gets up, bows and then leaves. 

So.. He's been talking about Ren. I'll pick him up today. Aki and Shima are apparently going to the library after school so it shouldn't be a problem.

Ren's pov 

I'm in English class and I can barely understand. We're going over basic things like greetings and stuff. This is boring, but I have to pass this class or I'd be sent back a year. 

*half an hour passes*

I feel a buzz and I find it's my phone. I look at it for a second and.. 

Haru: hey Ren, I'm going to pick you up today. 

I text back

Me: okay Haru?

I put away my phone and took the notes on the board. I wonder if I have any more classes with that kid, Aaron. Or even Koujaku. I look around and see a familiar face. It's a girl. I think it's Lunar from that one event. I'll talk to her during the passing period. My eyes keep wandering around the room and my teacher notices. 

"Mr. Kaido, would you like to finish this sentence?" he asks knowing I wasn't paying much attention. 

"I um.. The sentence is "Would you like to.. see the ocean?" I say making up an answer. 

The same girl raises her hand. "It says "Would you like to go on a date?"

The teacher replies with," Good job miss, however I asked Kaido to answer."

I look back at her and she gives me a reassuring smile. At least she remembers me. I take notes of the board again and quietly practise. 

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I'm in algebra next.. I'm okay at math, but Koujaku is in this class. Could I report him to the office? I would need evidence, but they wouldn't believe me.. We're both guys and so are the other kids he bothered. I walk to Lunar and talk to her. 

"Hey, thank you for covering for me in English." I thank her. 

She hugs me and replies,"Yes of course! I couldn't leave you like that. Hey um.. How are things with that kid?" She points quickly to him standing near the door to algebra. Damn..

"It's.. I'm working on it. Do you think you could help with him?" I ask with embarrassment. I can't believe I need to have other people help with this problem.. Maybe I should move to Canada again.. 

Before I get a response, she heads over to him and I watch it all. She talks to him and he looks annoyed. Then he points to me and heads inside. I walk in after him. The warning bell rings and Lunar runs off to her class too. I sit down after greeting the teacher. This class is like an hour and thirty minutes. Then i have lunch. I pull out my algebra book and my notebook.

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