Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Michael P.O.V-

TAKE ME OUT OF HELL! Pleeeeease! I just wanna go home! Sure, I love all the people here, and im having a... SEMI-good time, but I still miss Ebony. It sounds REALLY cliché, but i cant stop thinking about her. I just... i dont know. I just have this really bad feeling... I cant tell Joseph, he'd beat me. Can't tell mom, she'd just give me the "make your father proud" speech. Cant tell my brothers, they wont understand and they'd laugh at me. Cant tell.... MY SISTERS! I can tell my sisters! I just need someone to talk to...

*Michael goes to talk to his sisters*

Rebbie- Hey Mike... what's wrong?

Michael- Can I talk to you and the rest of the sisters?

Rebbie- Its that serious?

*Michael nods his head slowly*

Rebbie- Ok, ill go get them. Meet me in your dressing room.

Michael- Ok

*Rebbie gets all the girls together in Michael's dressing room*

Latoya- Whatchu wanna talk about Michael?

Michael- Well... its Ebony

Rebbie- Aw, did something happen? Is it over?

Michael- NO! Nothing like that, i just... miss her... a lot. I love her! Im going crazy, and I have this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Janet- Well, call her!

Michael- I call her every day. Its not

enough. Truth is... we had a pregnancy scare.

*All the sisters gasp*

Rebbie- Well, is she!?

Michael- Nooo! If she was I wouldve told you!

Latoya- Well why would you think she was pregnant if you used a...Michael....

Michael- *Sigh* We didnt...

All the sisters in unison- MICHAEL!!!

Michael- It was an accident! We only forgot the last 3 times...

All the sisters in unison- THREE TIMES!?!?

Rebbie- When was this!?

Michael- 3 weeks ago...

Rebbie- THREE WEEKS AGO!? DAMMIT MICHAEL! There aint no way in hell this girl aint pregnant!

Michael- Well, it could be a miracle!!!

Rebbie- First of all, you know not to raise your voice at me. Second of all, Michael, Ebony is pregnant. Now how in the hell is she not pregnant if you forgot a condom 3 times!?

Michael- She took a pregnancy test, it said she wasnt pregnant.

Rebbie- Well... i dont know! Did anything weird happen to her?

Michael- Well, she threw up the morning we left... and she had a fever... and the last I remembered, she was hungry all the time.

Rebbie- DAMMIT MICHAEL! Those are frikin SYMPTOMS of pregnancy! Do you REALLY believe your girlfriend isnt pregnant? Tell me the truth...

Michael- I dont...

Rebbie- The pregnancy test was wrong Michael!

Michael- I have to call her RIGHT now...

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