Kicking Ass - Part 2

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Ninx causally leaned against the door and looked at the two wimps as they fled for the back door. But since there were three that left one. He smirked and looked in the eyes of the last one, the guy looked scared. He had the right to be cause he was gonna kick his ass to heaven...... or hell.

The guy dove for his gun and shot three times. The bullets whizzed by him and thumped into the wall. The guy had missed badly from his shaking hands. Ninx flung a knife out and shot it towards the guy nailing him in the chest right above his heart. The guy fell and spluttered as the air in his lungs escaped. Ninx walked up and picked him up by his shirt and sat him in a chair then tied him up with the rope that was hanging up which was real handy. It seemed that this guy had some secrets to tell him in a couple of minutes.

Ninx pulled a 6 inch blade from his black leather jacket and sat it on the clean stainless steel table.

The guy widened his eyes. " No p-please." He whispered scared.

" Here's how it's gonna go." Ninx said.

" Your gonna tell me who sent you and what was the plan or I'm going to cut of your fingers and your tongue and send you back to where you came from is that clear?"

" Y-yes." He said stuttering.

" Ok start." Ninx said looking in his eyes and picked up the knife to encourage him to start talking.

" IgotsentbyFred,hewantedmetotrapJohnandkillhimsowecouldgaincontrolofhisgang." The guy said in a rush.

He sat and stared as he wondered what to do since he couldn't send this guy back to Fred or he would start talking. He grinned as thought about what to do, he picked up the phone and called Rick.

"Hey Rick are you free right now?"

" I just got off work, what do you need?"

" I need a pickup in the warehouse at the corner of Higgins and Blackwell."

" Oh I see, what are we gonna find this time a load of money or a terrorist?" Rick said jokingly.

" Neither just a guy who needs to be booked for about ten years." Ninx said with a laughing tone.

" Ok, I'll be there in a jiffy then."

He ended the call and looked back at the shivering guy. " Looks like today is your lucky day amigo, your boss is coming to pick you up." And with that he turned his heel and and walked out leaving the pleading guy behind him.

He walked back around the corner and met up with John. " Well I heard gunshots, I assume everything is taken care of?" John said.

" Yea looks like Fred thought he could take you out with a couple of bums.Good thing I was here." He said winking at him.

" Yeah." He said and smiled.

They got in the car and headed back towards the FBI headquarters so John could drop him off. They stopped at a red light and waited when Ninx saw a car crash in an alleyway. He scanned the scene and it looked like everything was fine. But at second glance he saw something was wrong, as he looked at the scene he recognized the license plate of the car.He jumped out and runned towards the over turned car and looked for Rick but he couldn't see him anywhere. He was stopped by a cop.

" Sir we need you to stay right here."

" But that's my friend in there!" Ninx shouted.

" Sir calm down." The cop said. Then they heard it both at the same time, it sounded like a snarl and a growl. It sounded just like a demon. He pushed the cop to the side and rushed in only to be confronted by a demon twice the size of him about to kill Rick. It had two curly horns and razor sharp teeth and scale hardened skin. It looked at Ninx with it's red eye then turned it's neck towards Rick and shot fire towards him.

" No!" he shouted and rushed forward throwing Rick out of the way as a stream of fire as hot as lava engulfed him and threw him to the ground. His body was half burnt but at least Rick was alive. But the demon had other ideas at it turn and headed for Rick to finish him of. He knew he did not have much time from the look in that demons eye when it had looked at him.

Ninx whispered a silent prayer and stretched his hand towards the demon and let the black, slithering, smokey looking stuff curl of and engulf him and the demon. It transported the demon into a portal, and shoved Rick out of the building before engulfing the it in black smoke and transporting it somewhere else.

Rick stared and silently wept. " Come back Ninx." He whispered.

Meanwhile Zord the most powerful thing in the universe was sitting on his throne in his fortress on a black mostly deserted planet when a portal opened and some black smoke transported a 17 yr old onto his floor. Zord's first thought was to finish him off but then he could feel the power radiating off him so he saved him and put him back together and started to wipe his memories when he realized there was none.

" Fern!" he yelled.

" Yes Zord?"

" Get him to a room then go with the others and demolish that wretched village."

" Right away My Lord."

Fern picked him up and proceeded down the hallway with him to a room. He put him on a bed then left closing the door behind him.

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